Bakery Madness

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"One dozen croissants and one dozen bagels!" I call back to Ryan who opened this morning with me along with Julius. It had been utter and complete madness for the oven was on the brink of braking, we had lost power off and on and even our backup generator was on the fritz. Whatever mojo was in the air had been affecting us all morning and it was driving the three of us insane. I was a little out of it myself since getting Callie's postcard and seeing Stef had written in it as well. It had been the fourth exchange between me and her little girl but the first time Stef had ever written. Maybe we could slowly work on our friendship which would mean so much to more. Was that possible? Could we simply just be friends? Well it had to be since I knew she was taken and very much in love with her girlfriend which I respected. Besides I had John and we were doing ok. Right? If this was the case why did I constantly reread over her message in the postcard knowing it by heart?

What was also on my mind was I knew Tess would be here in a few hours and it was the first time I'd see or talk to her since that night I showed up at Stef's place on the army base back in '69. True we had so much to talk about some of which I was not looking forward to.

"They call in the order? I don't see it!" Ryan calls back.

"Sir, did you call this in ahead of time?" I ask rather politely as the customer grows angry and irritated.

"I always call in my order! I have no time for this!"

"Ok, just relax and I'm sure we have it. Definitely."

"I have two minutes lady! Two! Not twenty! Two! I have a staff meeting this morning with ten hungry people!"

"Ok sir I know sir and I will have it and the next order is on us." Trying to calm him as he lets out a giant sigh of annoyance I head into the kitchen seeing Julius and Ryan scrambling all over the place.

Quickly walking over to me Julius wipes the water off his face and the flour that he is covered in. "Mama!! The sink is now clogged! We have flour bugs and it's just a hot mess! I need a glass of bourbon right now or I won't make through this day!"

"Relax. We will just have to improvise."

"I'm not good at improvising. I need order! Not this...this chaos! Ugh!"

"Oven just went out." Ryan says as Julius throws up his hands.

"Oh Jesus no! Not now! We have no time for this. Does anyone understand! Not today Satan! Not today!"

Grabbing him by his shoulders I try to shake some sense into him for it was known how dramatic he was."Julius snap out of it! I will call the repair man or fix it myself! In the meantime lets fill these orders so we don't loose customers. Ok....

"My lord, lord, lord! Oh thank goodness you are here!! Honey baby we need your help!" 

As I turn around to see who he is even talking to my eyes widen as Tess walks in and her eyes go right to me. She has not aged a day and yes I was expecting her to show up but not here or this early. "Tess?"

"No time for rekindling! Here take an apron mama and fill this order before Mr. Big and Brawny out there has a baby! And stall all of them! Put little Stefanie to work too!"

"I will try. Hi Lena." She says quickly putting her apron on and heading out to the front with a few orders in her hands.

"And no I didn't blindside you!" Julius says as I look over to him.

"I know it's ok. We need her help."



"So how have you been Lena?"

My shift is now over, and Tess and I are walking down Del Ray Blvd. Her little girl, Stefanie, had gone home with Julius as he was picking up the kids from their sleepover over Jillian and Sandra's. I've dreaded this conversation for quite some time, but I know it's necessary as Tess seems nervous.

"I've been well Tess. Busy you know with two kids and school but well."

"I heard you were in school. That's pretty amazing you were able to get your bachelors while raising two children. That's very admirable."

"Thanks Tess. What about you? Your daughter is beautiful." I say as we continue to stroll and she glances at me smiling.

"Thank you. She is a sweetheart. And um, I'm doing ok."

Seeing her grow even more uncomfortable I offer to get us some glasses of iced tea. Being grateful she takes it but hands me a few dollars as a I shake my head. "Nonsense my treat. Beside, I owe you an apology." I say as she looks to me confused and I take a seat beside her once again.

"You don't Lena. Not at all. You don't owe me an apology."

"Tess, listen, I haven't been a good friend. I knew you were having issues with Jerry and that he was abusing you. I knew you were pregnant and failed to reach out to you even to see how you were doing. Part of it, yes, was anger because I knew what happened between you and Stef. But even before that, I cut you off...before I knew about you and Stef. And I think I was upset Stef took you that morning to meet Gary and Marty. And I was upset she knew before me...what happened with Jerry."

Instantly she looks at me with surprise mixed with panic as I gently place my hand on hers. "I found out on my own. I mean I understand now, I do, maybe not for years but I'm not angry either of you. But did you love her?"

She swallows hard as I can now see tears form in her eyes. "We, we didn't plan it Lena. It just happened and only once! I do love her, but not like you. It's that."

"And you made each other feel good. I know. Stef is very, very comforting and sweet. So are you, and I wasn't easy then. I just wasn't, and I regret an awful lot. Listen, I've missed you. So very much. You were my sister and still are and I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I failed you, Tess. But I want to be now. I want to be there for you and little Stefanie. Who is so adorable!"

"Thanks." Tess says smiling widely at me as she blinks back tears. She leans in and hugs me tightly, and I hug her back, tears falling down my face as well.

"I've missed you too, Lena. But tell me," she pulls back and wipes her eyes. "Do you still love Stef?"

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