Until We Meet Again

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"Your babies are really beautiful Lena. And man does Frankie look like you. Attitude and all." I laughed as she returns. Right now it finally seemed she was a bit more relaxed as we had dropped my daughter off with her friends and I walk her to the subway. Realizing I needed to chill out myself for I had to remember Lena and I were not enemies even if we had behaved that way during her entire stay in New York.

"Yes I must say she has my attitude. I can't really deny that." She laughs as I do as well not being able to get over the fact at how adorable her kids were.

"That's ok it will serve her well in life.Her mama never backs down from a fight especially when it's something she's passionate about. I mean you did manage to get your bachelor's correct?"

"I did yes."

"While raising two children. Not easy. I'm proud of you because I know how upset you where when you didn't get in initially. So congratulations to you Lena."

"Thanks Stef. That means alot."

"Of course."

"But you as well. I mean a cop? That's not easy. Not many women doing it."

"Yeah that is true. It has it's moments but aside from working with Mike I like it."

"Oh goodness. Is he your partner?" She says looking horrified as I laugh.

"Oh god no. Don't wish that on me! No, we just work in the same precinct which is a pain in the ass. But I ignore him the best I can."

"Is he giving you a hard time about the separation?" She asks as we continue to stroll down 8th ave.

"He is but I'm not getting back with him. No way. Divorce is the only option for me.  I should have done it years ago." I sigh.

"It's ok you are doing it now. It's not easy especially when children are involved."

"Yeah. So um..Will left?"

"He did. Yeah. I don't know where he is. I know he's homeless and when I was with him he started drinking and his depression got worse. Woke up one day and he was gone."

"Shit. I'm sorry love."

"It's ok. I just worry because he, he's not well. The war messed him up. Badly."  Seeing tears roll down her face as we stood outside the A train station I gently wipe them as she looks up at me partly smiling. "I'm ok."

"No you're not."

"Well for the most part I am. Are, are you?"

"Yeah. I won't live here forever. Just saving the money for a nicer apartment in a better area.  Takes time to accumulate."

"Oh I'm sure.  You will ,you have always been determined. And Callie is beautiful. She really is."

"Thanks Len. Look um if you're ever in New York again let's try to make it better.  I'm sorry how things went. "

"It's ok. Alot of time passed. But we both found our lives right?"

"Yeah we did." 

"Stef I am happy for you. Luisa seems like a really nice person. I'm glad you found someone."

"Thanks Lena. Do you have anyone you're seeing if I'm allowed to ask?" I laugh as she smiles wide.

"Umm possibly.  I think so. He's very nice."

"Yeah? He makes you smile and treats you right? OR do I need to fly to California and hurt him?"

"Ha! No.  He's a good man."

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