Old Friends

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"So what are your plans this weekend Stef while I have Cals?" I hear Mike ask me as he takes a seat beside my desk. Filing our my police reports I neglect to make eye contact for I knew where this was going. 

"Nothing. Catching up on reading."

"MM. You should join me and Callie at Penn. See how much fun the arcade is. Plus she's dying to show you how good she  is. Could be like old times babe."

Glancing up at him finally he smiles as my eyes narrow for it was just like Mike to do this. He forever wanted me to join in on his time with Callie trying to make it family time. But he had other motives and I had even gone a couple of times solely for my daughter sake. But it always ended the same. Mike trying to control me to the point I couldn't breath and us having a heated argument and screaming at the top of our lungs. Never again would I do that for it was during those times I was at my worst and my daughter saw it all. Unfortunately.

"Nope. It's your time with Callie and don't call me babe." I say rolling my eyes as he laughs. "Plus we are separated Mike. For a reason and you know it."

"Stef, not for nothing but when are you going to stop all this separation nonsense. Do you know how embarrassing this shit is? First you apply to be a cop behind my back and then a separation. What's next a divorce because I'm telling you right now. that's not happening."

Glaring at him there was no one on this earth who made me more angry then Mike. No one and during the last ten years we had some of the nastiest fights ever to the point that I ad spit in his face face and he spit in mine.

"First lets getting something straight. Ok? I told you to stop talking to me that way. Second, I didn't go behind anyone's back. I've wanted to a cop long before this. Long before you even applied or thought about it.  And I left because your an ass. And because." I whispered." You couldn't handle me not being you little housewife anymore. So no I'm not going."

"You are something else woman. Get it though your thick head Stef. You won't last on this job. You won't. You're too timid, your not strong enough or tough enough. So you might as well go back to being a desk clerk."He laughed again as I quickly gathered my thigns for I had gotten a call from Julius a few hours ago saying he wanted to meet for coffee near my apartment. "Where you going?"

"Mike, regardless of what you may think you don't own me and I don't need to explain my whereabouts to you. Those days are long over. So just remember to pick up your daughter tomorrow." I say walking off and hearing him call my name behind me. Fuck him.



"My girl!!! My beauitful girl!!!" Julius says hugging me as I give him a warm hug back and he kisses me on the cheek warmly. I had almost forgotten how loving this guy was as a wide smile graced over our faces. "Look at you mama!!! All sexy in your cop uniform! Hot damm!"

"Ha! You are too much. How are you love? It's so nice to see you."

"Likewise suga! And I'm good! Come, come I got use two seats at the counter for us." He says as I walk inside the all to familiar diner that I frequented rather often. For more then one reason as I happened to look over and see Luisa taking someone else order.  Shit sometimes I even forgot how beautiful she was and rarely did she make me pay for my food if ever. "Mama first off this neighborhood seriously why the fuck are you living up here? Go live in like Brooklyn Heights." Julius says rather dramatically as we both take a seat and he wipes his off first.

"It's only temporary."

"Temporary? Until what? You and Cals get shot or some shit. Mama my cousin lives up here. It's no joke. You need money?"

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