Family Day

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True to her word, Lena packed a picnic lunch and the kids' swimsuits and towels to take them to the beach. Tess would be joining them with Stefanie as well as Julius and Ryan and Jillian and Sandra. Gary and Marty would be driving to San Diego and would arrive in time for dinner, and the kids were beside themselves as if it were Christmas Day.

"Mama, can I have a sandwich?" Corey asked from the backseat, and Lena shook her head.

"It's not even nine in the morning! And you just ate pancakes!"

"He's a growing boy, Queen Mocha! Don't be rude!" Julius sat in the passenger seat, and Lena glared at him.

"Julius," she hissed.

"What? It's true! Dale al niño lo que quiere!"

"No!" Lena rolled her eyes as Julius had to give Corey what he wanted. Sometimes, she wanted to pummel Julius because he spoiled her kids terribly and undermined whatever she wanted for them. She knew he meant well, but it was frustrating at times.

"Well, in that case, I'll just change the subject," he acted hurt, and Lena ignored him as usual. "But I sent Stef three hundred dollars for plane tickets for her and Callie the other day. It's kinda a surprise, and she better not send it back. That's all I'm saying because I'll fly out there myself and whip that Ice Queen's ass...I mean bottom." 

He corrected himself as Lena glared at him once more turning her car down towards the beach  parking lot. "Ya? You think she'd send it back? And what if she can't get off work? Have you thought of that?"

"Well, that's why I sent money and not a ticket! Duhhhh!" He waved his hands, and the curly haired woman laughed as she parked next to Ryan.

"Well, let's hope she can get off soon!" she smiled as she looked back at her kids. "Anyone ready to swim?"

"Me!!!!!!!!" Frankie yelled, and Corey shouted as well.

"Meeee too! Me TOOOO!"

 Julius and Ryan soon helped Lena and Tess gather their belongings which included bags filled with clothes, towels, sunscreen, sand toys and food. Jillian and Sandra carried the surf boards, and soon the small family had their stuff set up in their usual spot on the white sand. "Baby, hold this a minute," Julius shoved the sunscreen in Ryan's hand as he started slathering it on Stefanie. She giggled as it was cold, and Frankie was next. Soon, both girls hold hands and run towards the waves.

"Stay where you can wade, girls!" Lena called after them.

"Yes, Mama!" Frankie giggled.

"You, too, Stefanie!" Tess echoed the light-skinned woman.

"Does she know how to swim?" Lena pulled out two cups and handed one to Tess while the other adults ran out to surf. Julius insisted on building a sand castle with Corey, and the two women sat back on the giant towel.

"She knows a little bit. I haven't gotten to take her to the beach much, if at all really," Tess swallowed hard not wanting to admit she hadn't been able to do much with her daughter like she had wanted because she wasn't doing well financially and was always trying to pick up an extra shift at the local hotel near her apartment.

"Iced tea?" Lena held up her glass jar she had made the day before.

"Yes, please." 

"So, how are you doing, Tess? Jerry help out any?"

"Oh, we're doing okay, I guess, and no, he doesn't even care about Stefanie to be honest. I wish he did because it would help so much. But we make do. Your kids seem to be faring well! I'm glad you have all of these people to help you with them, you know? Community helps so much. You deserve it."

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