Meeting Callie

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"Thank you for taking us for cheeseburgers, Julius!" Callie runs to her new favorite uncle and wraps her arms around his waist as I smile. I had dreamed of this day for quite some time, and I was grateful to introduce Callie to my close friend. It had been impossible because of Mike whereas now I had all the freedom in the world. Julius had been a big part of my life and I was hoping he always would be despite how angry I had been with him for blindsiding me with Lena. In the end it did force us to make peace with each other so I wasn't all that angry anymore.

"No problem, pretty girl! What grade are you in this year?" He smiles as he looks her right in the eyes, making her feel rather important.

"Oh! I'm in 4th, but soon I'll be in 5th! And I'm learning long division!"

"Wow! That's nice! What's your favorite subject?"

"History! Mama takes me to the history museum all the time! Right, Mama?"

"Yes, my love," I wink at her as she scoots closer to Julius and places her hand in his.

"Did you know Lena, too? From the picture?"

He looks at me confused, and I just nod my head and smile softly. "Oh...Queen Mocha? Yes! She's one my best friends!"

"Queen Mocha?" Callie giggles as the waitress comes with our colas. We quickly place our order, and Callie smiles back at Julius. "See? She braided my hair, and Mama said I could keep it in til tomorrow morning then my hair will be wavy!"

"Your hair is beautiful! You should be a hair model!" Julius makes her giggle again, and I can't help but smile even more.

When our food arrives, he cuts her burger for her and pours some ketchup on her plate, and I begin to relax. He hasn't talked much to me in regards to my blow up the other day, and I'm hoping we can talk privately at some point.

"So, Callie, I was telling your Mama that Ryan and I have our very own bakery in California. We want you, two, to come and visit. Would you like that?"

Callie looks over at me, beaming. "Can we, Mama? Please! School lets out beginning of June! Please!!!!!!"

I laugh as I roll my eyes and sigh. "We shall see, okay? Let's get you done with 4th grade and see what happens." Truth is, I can't really afford the flight, and it's not as if money will fall from the sky anytime soon. I wish Julius hadn't mentioned it, but he had.

"Well, you would love the ocean, Chiquita! Honestly! And if you met Frankie and Corey, Lena's kids? They are taking surfing lessons and they can swim like fish."

"Oh," Callie looks down now, and I frown.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"It's just that, you know, Mama!" She loudly whispers, her eyes wide as if I should instantly know.

"No, sweets. I can't tell what's going on in your pretty little head."

"I can't swim!" She covers her mouth and loudly whispers across the table, and I smile.

"Oh, baby, it's easy! Uncle Julius will teach you how! No biggie! Don't cry, baby! Don't cry!" He pats her hand, and I wink at him. I notice relief flood his being as I do, and for the rest of our dinner, we make small talk, mainly Callie talking his ear off about school and her friends, Qiana and Mariana.


It had been so nice to enjoy the rest of the day with Julius and my little girl. I was also grateful to get off work a little earlier since Mike had been a royal pain in my ass. This divorce was not going to be easy by any means as we strolled through one of the safer parks in my neighborhood.

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