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"I have no words for my embarrassing behavior last night, and I owe everyone an apology. I am sorry, Luisa, for how I behaved and what I said to you and I'm sorry Stef for what I said as well. It was unacceptable, and I'm mortified. The bakery has a tiny apartment upstairs that I can stay in with my kids and..."

"No." I interrupt. "Lena, this is your home here with your children, and I would never displace you. Plus, that bakery is still under investigation, and it's not safe for anyone. It's only three of us, and we have no problem getting a motel for the rest of the time. There's a pretty affordable one by the beach actually."

"Oh, Stef, but we want you here." Julius says." The kids want to be together." Sipping my coffee I feel Luisa hold my hand tighter as it is still hard for me to even look at Lena.

"You shouldn't have to go on account of my actions last night, Stef."

"Lena, it's not about that. Can I speak to you out back for a second? Please?" I ask as she looks at me in a rather nervous way.


Grabbing my coffee, the two of us head out back as we take a seat beside each other but not too close. Honestly, I didn't want to talk to her at all as I took a sip of coffee feeling the silence grow.

"You should not have to go on the account..."

"Lena, do you still love me? MM? Are you in love with me still? Or was that just the pot talking?" I quickly interrupt her. "Because you and I know how you get on that stuff."

"It was the pot. It was. I've moved on and just want us to be friends. And I'm mortified. I really am!" She plays nervously with the handle of her coffee cup.

"Yeah? Well I don't think we are capable of that, honey." I say standing up and taking the seat across from her. "Look, I should not have brought my girlfriend, and I did not do it to hurt you. But you need to be honest with me and yourself once and for all."

"I am being honest. I just want to be friends. That's it, Stef!"

"Yeah? Then what was all that yesterday? Hugging up all over John in front of us. On purpose? You think I don't know? You think I'm oblivious?"

"What? That wasn't on purpose! And what does that have to do with whether or not I'm in love with you? Huh? Tell me! Because I'm not! Once again, it was the pot!"

"Oh please, Lena. You forget I know you. I know you very well..."

"You don't know me! You used to! You used to know me! But you don't know me now! If you did, you wouldn't have brought her! And you wouldn't be asking me these questions! And you'd know I am over you! Geez, Stef!"

"Oh! Really? Keep going! By all means, Lena! What does it matter that I brought her if you have John whom you claim to be sooooo into. SO much to the point that you have to overdo it and force it. Then, yell that me and you are in love? Really, Lena?"

"What do you care? Why are you observing me anyway? And interrogating me like I'm some suspect! Like I'm the only one who did something wrong. Because you are soooooo perfect! Sorry, not all of us can be closed off and cold hearted like you!"

"Excuse me! I am not closed off or cold hearted! How dare you!! I loved your ass more than life a decade ago!! I did! And you broke me! You broke my damn heart! I nearly drank myself to death because of your ass!" I scream now standing as she does as well. "And it's not my fault you can't move on!"

"Oh screw you!! Don't blame your hang ups on me! Just don't! I didn't force you to drink yourself to death! I tried! I told you this! But why do I need to keep explaining my damn side? Huh? Why don't you explain your damn self for once? Clearly you can't move on either and are faking this taking entire thing with that woman!!!!"

"I'm not faking a damn thing! I'm in love with Luisa, and I plan on making her my wife!! So you can shove it!"

"Your wife? You're making HER your wife? Ha!"

"What the fuck is so funny?!"

"You couldn't even handle seeing me all over John! And you were gonna make ME your wife!!!! And NOW you're gonna make this woman your wife? That's a laugh and a half!"

"Look, I don't give a rats ass what you do with him! Fuck your brains out for all I care! Maybe he can fuck you until you turn straight! Maybe he'll show you you aren't and weren't into women ever!"

"Did I hit a nerve?! I'm sorry, do you feel I was pushing it in your face me with John? I wonder how badly that feels!!!! Doesn't feel so good, does it?!?"

"I don't push my relationship in your face! And you don't even like him, Lena Adams! It's so phoney it makes me vomit! You're NOT FUCKING STRAIGHT!!!!"

"Oh, as if yours doesn't! I have to see you all over her and talking Spanish all the damn time! You was all the pot last night and I'm not sorry I said any if it. And you know what, I don't love you Stef! Maybe I never did! Maybe I used you because I was lonely when Will left! Maybe that's all it was. And nothing more. I don't love you, I never loved you and I don't even like you. I will leave with my kids because I don't want to be around you! So you can spend time with your new precious wife that you're so in love with!!!!!"

"No. We will go. And I'm done. I don't wish to talk to you anymore. So, lose my address and don't ever communicate with my daughter ever again. Got it?!?! We aren't friends, we aren't acquaintances, we aren't anything!!!! And if I ever see on the street again I won't even stop to say hi. I wouldn't look at you twice. So goodbye! Adios!"

"I wish I never met you, Stefanie Foster!" She says with so much anger and pain that I feel my insides burn.

"The feeling is mutual honey." Walking off, my heart is broken all over again and I am ready to pack up and go home. Lena Adams is now a stranger.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now