Adult Bonfire (Part Two)

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"Soooo tell me what's new! How are you, my sweet Tess?!" I say as she takes a seat beside me smiling. Having just finished eating together Luisa went off to hang with Ryan and Gary while Tess and I got to officially catch up. "What's the grinning for? That happy to see me?" I tease lighting a smoke.

"Yes!! Stef, it's been almost five years! I am very happy to see you, and you have not aged a day. You got more beautiful."

"Well, thank you, my love. You are not so bad yourself." I wink as she blushes once again. " But speaking of beautiful, your daughter? Oh my god. She's such a sweetheart. I mean I knew she was anyway but to see her in person is something else. Good job, love."

"Aw, thanks, Stef. She was so excited to meet you in person. Like she couldn't sleep!"

"Aww, that's sweet. I will try to spend as much time as I can with her. You need money?" I ask taking a sip of my beer.

"No! You keep your money. Um...Callie! She needs it, honey. And I can't wait to meet her! Plus, you need it to move."

"I'll move in time, my love. But I'm need anything for Stefanie? Outfit for the first day of school? I can take her shopping for at least something. New backpack?"

"No, godmother!  She is fine."

"Well, I still plan on spoiling her as much as I can while I'm here.  But tell me, are you fine? MM? San Diego treating you ok?"

"Actually, yes. We really like it here. Working at the bakery has helped, and I hope we can get it back and running soon."

"I'm sure they will. And I will damm sure find out who did that. Ridiculous! But how was LA? You never fully told me, babe."

"Honestly, it was a jungle, Stef." She says as I take a  puff and glance over to my girlfriend who smiles back at me.

"MM...sounds like New York." 

"Do you like it there? I mean, I know you're an amazing cop! But do you like the city?"

"MM...for the most part, I do. It's a challenge, but it's nice being here getting away from it all."

"I can only imagine. But it seems you are happy. Luisa is very pretty."

"Thanks. She's a sweetheart."

"She seems like it.  So you like her?" She asks as I take another puff and smile looking back into her eyes. Tess was really the only person I felt I could open up to and she knew even my darkest thoughts. Especially in regards to my feelings about Lena and my relationship with Mike.

"Tess, I love her. I haven't told anyone this, but we are pretty serious."

"Like how serious? As serious as you and Lena were? Sorry I didn't mean t..."

"No, love, it's ok. I got her a ring. I mean I know we can't, but I love her Tess." I say as she grabs my hand.

"A ring, wow! I am very happy for you Stef!!!  But I want to apologize for my part in what happened this summer. I also tried to get you two back together. It was actually my fault because I called Julius and Ryan and told them to do it. I didn't know it would blow up, and I'm sorry. " She says looking rather guilty as I grab her hand and squeeze it.

"It's ok, my love. All is forgiven. You know I can't stay mad at you anyway." I laugh as she does as well. 

"But are you ok being here? I mean with Lena?"

"It's um...interesting." I laugh. "Lena is definitely trying. But! What is going on with you! Why do you look giddy! Meet someone? Spill, baby!!" I change the subject suddenly feeling self conscious talking about Lena.

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