A Week Later

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"Right here, Mama! Pose right here! How many times do I have to tell you?" Julius laughs as I pose the hundredth picture of the day. Ryan flew out a few hours ago, and we still had one week left here in the city.

"I'm trying! But your poses are hard! Does it matter if I'm looking like I'm thinking on life or...or happy to be a graduate! C'mon! That's not how I take pictures!"

"Necesitas esta! Muchas lagrimas!"

"No! I'm over it!" I lie as I grab the camera from him and shove it in my bag.

"Ya? And that's why we heard you crying your eyes out every single night for the past few days?"

"Can you let it go? What did you expect? A joyful family reunion? And was this trip for this sole purpose? Or did you really want to show me New York City?"

"I miss us," he pouts, and I move to wrap my arm around his shoulders.

"What happened last Monday? Hmm? You met me and Ryan after you met with her, didn't you?"

"Met with whom?" He wont look at me, and I stop walking causing him to stop as well.


He slowly looks at me. "I did. And she's pissed as hell. I'm not even sure I've ever seen her that angry to be honest. But at least you aren't, right?"

I sigh as I lean in and kiss his cheek before pulling back and pulling out a pack of smokes. He doesn't reprimand me like he usually does as I light a cigarette and begin to puff. "I can't be mad at you, Jules. I mean, if anything, you, all, should be mad at me."

"What? What do you mean?"

I sigh as I pull him towards a hole in the wall coffee shop. "Let's get coffee and a pastry, my treat."

We sit at the counter next to each other and as we wait to be served, I turn to him. "I was an asshole, Julius. I was young, scared and naive. I know half, if not most of this is my fault. But I got scared. I really did. And when you didn't hear from Stef for over a year? I gave up hope. I tried to be happy and move on with life. Will worked with my father, and I helped, too...until I became pregnant with Frankie."

"Wait...you asked not to hear about Stef because you were pregnant? Is that what I'm hearing right now?"

"Why is that crazy to you?" I frown as I play with the napkin holder.

"Because! The whole reason I didn't hear from Stef was because of Mike, number one, AND because she was busy giving birth to Callie!"

My heart stops as I hear this, and tears burn my eyes. We were so young and naive. How could I be so stupid? I was trying to protect her, and in doing so, I hurt the love of my life. And now? Now she's moved on and will never ever forgive me.


I know that everything is gone between me and Stef. She basically told me to leave her alone for life, and I had planned on doing just that. Until Julius told me how angry she was with him for trying to fix things between us. The truth is, I was angry as well, but I could see where he was coming from. He missed who we were as friends, and he thought I should face my past as well as her. But I would be damned if I let whatever friendship Julius had with her disappear all because he cared. I know that I have to do something, and I can't even let Julius know or he'd try to stop me.

Sneaking in his bag while he's in the shower, I find the notebook with her address in it and quickly scribble it down before shoving it back and sneaking out the door to my own room. Although it's after eleven at night, I want to make sure that I'm up around 4 AM as I had no clue how long it would take to get to her apartment or if she woke up super early for a shift. So, I call down to the front desk for a wake-up call, and I call it a night.

When I wake up, my heart pounds in my chest as I hurry and get dressed. It was true that the day before I had not only paid for another visit to the salon, but this time, I had decided to let my curls roam free once more. I was tired of hiding, tired of trying to forget and tired of running from my real, authentic self, and as I look in the mirror at my wild hair framing my face, I try to smile, something that was not often these days especially since Will left.

I quietly make my way to the subway, rather surprised at how busy the streets still were at this hour. Whether people were just getting up or never went to sleep, I wasn't sure, but I try to stay focused on my mission at hand. When I board the subway, I realize that a few street walkers are also on and keep staring at me. I try to smile at them, but they don't return it so I turn to look ahead hoping that my stop comes soon.

"Look at Miss Goody Goody over there, stacking bills, I bet," one of the girls said to the other as she snickered.

"Ya! She don't need no Daddy for her shoes! Trying to act all friendly!"

I look over at the one girl who's cleavage leaves nothing left for the imagination and frown, but I bite my tongue as much as I can. This is why I couldn't let Julius know where I was going. He would think I'm helpless, but I didn't want to hear it at all. I had to see Stef before it was too late.

"Ya, I'm talking 'bout you, baby! Where you from anyway? Cuz you don't look like you're from around here! You don't belong with her neat curls and pretty face."

"I am, though," I lie to her as she can only laugh as she snaps her bubble gum.

"Oh ya? What part? Upper Manhattan in a penthouse? Whatchu doin' all the way down here, baby? Got a pimp waitin' on your ass?"

"No, and for your information, I am not a rich, snotty person! And I'm from Washington Heights!" I lie my ass off even more as the one red head laughs even more as she shakes her head.

"Uhh-huh! That's what they all say, suga! Ain't nobody got nothin' for free in this world!"

I'm relieved when the subway stops at my stop, and I get off. And I'm even more relieved when they don't follow me. I gulp as I make my way down the broken sidewalk and under the same grafitti'd bridge I had the other day. I pass by probably the same three street bums I saw the other day as I quickly make my way past the Luisa's diner. I gulp as I see dim lighting inside, and I know they've either never closed or they're preparing for their breakfast crowd.

I quickly pass the diner as fast as I can before pulling out Stef's address: 989 West 180th Street, Apt 307. "It's now or never!" I mutter as I look for the number to her apartment building, and when I find it, I enter the lobby. Not only is it filthy, but it smells like urine and drugs. "Jesus!" I gasp then realize that I should probably be quiet considering I'm not from around here at all. And like those girls on the subway said, I most likely stick out big time.

I walk over trash and a few needles as I make my way up the stairs, and tears cloud my vision. How does she do it? How does she raise her child here? I feel horrible...awful, as if I should somehow help her get out of here to a safer place.

"Got something for me, baby?" I hear a high man slur to me as I pass him, but I keep on walking as fast as I can. Damn! Why did I wear these shoes? They're noisy against the dirty linoleum floor!

When I reach the third floor, I step over a woman who is clearly passed out, and my heart begins to race as does my stomach twist. Where the hell am I? 303, 305, 307...I take a deep breath before raising my hand and start knocking. I wait for what feels like forever as I hear little feet run to the door. They stop as I hear something dragging across the floor, then, I feel as if I am holding my breath as I hear a little voice yell. "Mommy! It's your neighbor!"

"My neighbor? What does Darryl want at this hour? It's 5:30 in the morning!!!!!" I hear Stef, and I feel as if I can't breath one bit as I gasp for air. Shit! Why did I choose this hour? Why, Lena?

"No, Mommy! Not Darryl, silly! That woman from the photo!"

"Okay, go get dressed for breakfast, munchkin. Mommy's got this."

I hear little feet running across the floor once more as I hear the latch being opened and what sounds like several locks. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tell myself not to run, to breath and whatever I do, don't take no for an answer.


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