Breakfast in Washington Heights

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"Lena what are you doing here?" Stef asks as she is completely surprised and rather annoyed to see me. I knew it was probably wrong of me to just show up like this but I had to get things off my chest in terms of what Julius told me. There was already so much miscommunication between us and I didn't know if I'd ever see Stef again. Therefor I took my chances. "It's not safe for you to just come up here. How did you get here?"

"I took the subway. Stef...

"Jesus. Get in here please. Now!" Quickly walking into her apartment she closes and bolts the door shut behind me. Right now I was starting to feel like I made another mistake. "Lena it is NOT safe for you to come up here much less take the subway at this hour. You are lucky you didn't get mugged ."

"I know but I was ok. I just, look I know you said..

"Mama I have gym today. I need to bring my gym stuff." Walking toward us I see Callie appear as she has on a long NYPD tee shirt , cute bangs and long brown hair. She is the spitting image of Mike but I can see Stef as well as the girl wraps her arms around Stef's waist. Honestly I could only smile for she seemed to be rather sweet and cute as a button. "I mean excuse me mama I didn't mean to interrupt."

"It's ok love. Umm, Lena this is my daughter Callie.  Callie this is my friend Lena from California." She says running hand fingers through the girls pretty hair.

"Hi Lena! I remember you! My mama has a picture of you and her."

"Oh well that's nice." I say smiling and glancing to Stef as she quickly looks away. She had a picture of us? "It's nice to meet you honey."

"You too. You have such pretty hair."

"Aww well thanks. That's very sweet of you."

"You're welcome."Her grin and smile are just like her mother's and melt my heart. It also made me sad because neither of us knew anything about each others children and that alone made me feel heartbroken again.

"I'll get your gym stuff ready sweetheart. Go on and take a shower before the hot water runs out ok?"

"Ok mommy. Will you be here when I get out Lena?"

"Go on love." Stef quickly says for I had no idea how to respond as she turns to glare at me and Callie runs off obeying her. It was then I felt uncomfortable again as I stood there awkwardly holding the giant bag of bagels as Stef intensely looks into my eyes wanting an explanation. When did she get so intimating?

"So what are you doing here Lena? What can I help you with that you needed to come to my apartment this time of the morning? MM?"

Her tone is so harsh that it's difficult for me to think but I couldn't back down no matter how intimating she was.

"Listen, I know you told me to stay away and that you don't want to see me again but, well, I'm leaving soon and I brought bagels."

"Bagels? Lena..

"Stef look I didn't come to argue.  Or fight I just I need to tell you something. Five minutes. I know you have work and that you need to get your daughter to school but I was afraid if I called you wouldn't answer. I'm sorry I just showed up but five minutes and y'all never see or hear from me again. I promise."

Looking to the ground and back at her  I can see the confliction as she gestures towards her kitchen where I take a seat. Trying hard not to look around at her  apartment  which was so nicely decorated I couldn't help but feel bad that she lived in such a place. Even if she didn't seem bothered by it I was and so was Julius and Ryan.

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