Dealing With a Crisis

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As I stepped off the plane at JFK airport my stomach was in knots and I had not stopped crying since Stef called me two days ago. Those two days had been a complete blur as I scrambled around to get my things together and get a plane ticket as well as make sure the kids were okay with Julius and Ryan. I was a mess as I had my dark shades on and grabbed my bag from the luggage downstairs. Being back in New York felt surreal and I swore I'd never step foot in it again but clearly that was not an option. Not at all and I never expected to get a call from Stef telling me my ex husband was dead.


I turn to see Stef in her uniform waving at me amoung the crowded NYC airport as I take a deep breath, straighten my stature and walk over to her. "Hey, Stef," I say softly, not removing my sunglasses as she lets out a soft smile. One I had not seen in ages.

She looks a bit unsure of herself as she shoves her hands in her pockets. "Flight okay? You hungry?"

"It was fine. Thank you, and no, I'm okay. I ate a bit on the plane," I clearly lie as my stomach has been in knots and I can't bring myself to eat a bite.

She looks at me a bit before reaching for my bag. "Here, let me carry this for you. You must be exhausted," she says softly and I shake my head.

"It's okay, Stef. Really. I got this, but thank you for picking me up."

"I didn't drive," she laughs awkwardly as we begin walking together towards the exit.

"I didn't think so. It still was nice of you...ummm, Mom and Daddy will be here tomorrow sometime. Can they...I mean, ummm...they'll wait? Wait before sending the body, I mean Will to cremate?" My head is pounding, and I feel as if I'm in some scary bad dream and I just need for someone to wake me up from it all. I hadn't cried so hard ever in my entire life, and I was unsure how I was going to go and say goodbye. "Or I don't know what we will do, cremate or not...I'm..I'm not sure how this goes. Did he, did he look like himself?" I whisper as my voice cracks and I jump a bit as I feel Stef's soft hand on my arm. "Hey, now. I don't bite, hun. Can I hug you?"

" want to hug me?"

"Lena, of course. I care you know. Our past is just that. The past. Water under the bridge, love."

Tears spring to my eyes almost immediately and burn the back of my throat as a small cry is caught in my throat. I nod as she pulls me in her arms hugging me as tight as ever as she whispers in my ear, "I'm so so sorry, sweetheart. I'm so sorry." I whimper but finally break down again as I eventually hug her back. Never in life did I ever expect to hug this woman again. Ever but it felt so good, comforting and protective. Something for which I had been longing.

"I can't do this! I just can't!" I cry hoarsely into her neck as she tries her best to console me.

"I got you. I really do. It's okay. I wish I could take this pain away," she whispers back, and I soon realize she's crying as well as everyone fades away in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the busy airport. Somehow for the first time in two days, I'm able to find a touch of relief even though it lasts for only a couple of minutes, and that's all that matters right now as my very best friend in the world is no longer here and I'm unsure how to tell my kids.


"Can I get you a glass of water, baby girl? Some snacks?" Dana was worried for her daughter and rightly so. This had taken the entire family by surprise and after Stuart had identified Will's body, they were able to contact the Army to come in and help give an honorable funeral. It had been a taxing couple of days for everyone who knew Will, and men who had fought side by side with him were also in attendance as well as Julius, Ryan, Tess, Jerry, Stefanie, Frankie and Corey.

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