Boyfriend & Girlfriend

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"I'm so glad you agreed to meet, John," I smile as I sit nervously across from him at Seawold's Café. I didn't think he'd come if I were honest as I had broken his heart on graduation night.

"I'm glad you called, Lena. I meant what I said." He looks at me and smiles softly, his hazel eyes lighting up. I blush as I rearrange my napkin.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was unfair of me..."

"I get it. It's not that easy to get over your first love. And now you don't even know where he is? Is he safe?" He takes my hand, as I blink back tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm just sorry I kept mentioning him to you. That's so unfair of me. But he is their father, and I want to protect them the best I can. You get that right?"

He kisses my fingers and smiles. "I like you a lot, Lena. And we can go as slowly as you want. I'm willing to wait. I'm just so happy we'll be more than study buddies," he winks and I laugh as I lean forward and kiss his lips softly.

"I like you a whole lot, too, John Matthews. And I'm happy to be your girlfriend."

"Maybe we should...take this somewhere else?"

I smile as I stand and pull him towards me. "Perfect. The kids are at their swimming lessons this morning with Julius. You can come to my place."

He laughs as he wraps his arm around me, and I lean into him. It's true. I'm very fond of him, and he helps me forget all of the sadness that's come into my life over the past ten years. Maybe with time, I'll even let him meet the kids.

"When can I meet them?" He kisses my cheek, and I look away.

"Soon, John. Soon."

"Sounds good to me, babe," he opens the car door and I get in fully knowing that I shouldn't be doing this as my heart isn't fully in it. Sure, I like him. I do. But the words of my father keep playing around in my head.

He gets in the drivers seat and turns on the radio as the Bee-gee's song, How Deep is Our Love, blares across the speakers, and I turn my head to look out the window. It's taking everything in me not to cry.

*Flashback Ends*

"What do you mean? How did you did you even get this number?" I holler into the phone as the army office calls once again asking to speak to Will. They've called me at the bakery and even at Julius' last week, and I'm beside myself at this point.

"Get it through your thick skull once and for all that we ARE DIVORCED! Stop calling me!"

"We're sorry, ma'am. We just need to locate him so we can send his Purple Heart. For some reason it was mailed back, and he deserves it. Would you know where he's living?"

"No!" I shout as my head is pounding. "I don't know, and if he mailed it back, there has to be a reason!"

"We don't know if he mailed it or it was lost and he's looking for it, ma'am..."

"You just said he mailed it!" I scream louder than ever as the back door flings open and in run my babies. "I have to go. Just stop calling me!"

"Mommy! I passed the dolphin test! Look!" Frankie holds up her bright blue bracelet as she giggles! "I'm allowed to go down the big slide now!"

"That's awesome, Frankie! I'm so proud of you! And tomorrow I'll be there for your lesson, okay? I promise," I kiss her soft cheek as she beams.

"I didn't pass yet," Corey folds his arms and pouts.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now