A Sandwich & Coffee

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"I thought you could use this," I hold out a paper bag with two wrapped breakfast sandwiches and hash browns. "And this," I hold up a tray with threw coffees, one for each of us. It's true that I had thought long and hard about my encounter with Will and Cinnamon over the last few weeks, and after much deliberation, I felt that I should somehow reach out to them, especially Will.

"Oh, you didn't have to," Will shakes his head, but I keep holding them out. Cinnamon jumps to her feet and snatches both.

"Just take them, Will. Cop won't leave us alone otherwise," she greedily begins chowing down on hers as Will slowly took his.

"How did you know where we stayed?"

"I had my suspicions," I half smile as I sip my own coffee. I had just come off of another night shift, and was soon headed home.

Will unwraps his sandwich and takes a huge bite before holding up his hash-browns. "Want one?"

"Nah, I'm good...So, why did you follow me the other day? You took off so damn fast after telling me your name. Figured you were running from someone or something."

"Please don't tell Lena or the kids. That's all I ask," Will wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he looks to me worried and I pass him a napkin.

"Stay outta our business, you cunt!" Cinnamon snarls, and Will holds up his hand.

"She's family. Leave her be, Cinnamon."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes as she retreats to where she had been sitting, sipping on her hot coffee.

"Sorry about her. She's kinda had a rough life."

My eyes narrow as I look Will in the eyes, "Why did you choose this? You had a beautiful wife? Two gorgeous kids? Why, Will?"

"Listen," he looks around nervously. "I don't mind talking to you and all, but please, keep it down."

I pull out my cigarettes and offer him one which he takes as I light them for us. "So why then? Hmm? Humor me, Will."

"I couldn't do it. You wouldn't understand."

"I understand more than you think. I really do. I grew up in the army. I'm not sure if Lena told you, or not. But I get it, and I want to help."

"You can't help me, Stef. Not like this. We're two different people, me and you."

"Mmm, I'm not so sure, Will."

"But we are. And please...just don't tell her you saw me, okay? But thank you for the food." He turns to leave, but I place my hand on his arm.

"Let me help you. Please." I look into his sad eyes as my heart breaks.

"No. You can't. Maybe you shouldn't come around again. People don't like the cops in these parts, especially beautiful female ones."

I laugh now as I finish my cigarette. "Listen, I'm not gonna leave you be. It's not in my blood to leave someone alone when I know they're in trouble."

"Just go, Stef! I appreciate you caring, but you can't help me! Leave!"

"You heard the man! Leave, bitch!" Cinnamon jumps in again, and I hold my hands up knowing I wouldn't just let this go. Not one single bit.


As I head back home after a long ass double shift and dealing with Mike's nasty attitude, I  quickly stop by the coffee shop to walk my girlfriend home. My body at this point is completely exhausted and worn out, but I couldn't afford for that to happen. Not at all and I would work all the overtime I could to pay for this damn trip. 

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