Cruelness and Coney Island

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"Mama I'm back!!!" I hear Callie call as she bangs on the door and Luisa jumps off of me quickly throwing on her clothes.

"Shit!  I didn't expect her back THIS early baby." Jumping up myself I throw on my shorts and tank and Luisa looks just as surprised as me. "One second love!! One minute baby!!" I call out.

"It's ok." She giggles and quickly runs into the bathroom as I head to the front door unlocking all the dead bolts. But what I see I never expect as my eyes look right into the eyes of my father.


"Hi mama! We came early so we could go to breakfast!" My little girl says wrapping her arms around my wasit as I look down and smile hugging her back.

"Hi babygirl. Well that is nice. Nice surprise love."

"Can I go see Mariana?! She's outside with Qiana. Just for a second?! Pretty, pretty please!"

"Sure baby. You mind her grandmother."

"I will!! Bye Papa Frank!"

"Bye Callie. Be careful honey."

Watching her run off running off I open the door wider as my father walks past. This was the last thing I wanted as I glance over to the kitchen chair seeing Luisa's bra on the back of it. Shit.

"I um, didn't expect to see you daddy."

"Nice place you live in. Met a few interesting characters on the way up. You think it's safe for Callie to be running the hallways?" He says disapprovingly while his eyes look everywhere. "This is not a proper home for you or Callie."

Feeling rather annoyed and partly ashamed my father for some reason knew how to make me feel doubtful about myself.  Especially now. "Well it is only temporary daddy. It was the best I could get."

"Well had you stayed with Mike this wouldn't be the case."

Trying my best to ignore what was about to come I shut the door but leave it unlocked for Callie. Seeing Luisa's bra again I quickly grab it. Hoping he didn't see and I stuff it in the cabinet as he inspects the chair and takes a seat.

"Coffee Daddy?"

"Sure if you have any. So we can talk."

Adding water to the pot and pouring in the powder my stomach was turning for I knew this visit was not going to be a good one. "So um how long have you and mom been in New York? If I had know I would have taken you around."

"A few weeks. Nice to get away sometimes. I have taken her around."

"Yeah? With Mike?"  I say taking a seat and lighting a cigarette. Placing my feet on the chair beside me I needed more then this for this conversation as I could see Luisa behind him sneaking back into the bedroom quietly. Thankfully she knew what the deal was and was aware anything could come out of my father's mouth.

"Stefanie, Mike is a good man and a good father.  He provides well."

"You call a good man one who beats up on his wife and calls her names? And I provide fine for my baby."

"All marriages have their problems Stef.  He told us what happened and he's gone to anger management." All I can do is laugh and shake my head as I run my fingers through my hair feeling more angrier the more my father says. He was supposed to be on my side him and my mother but I knew that was never going to be the case anymore. "The real issue is you Stefanie."

"I'm sorry what?"

"You. You have changed so much that you are unrecognizable. To the point that I'm damm near embarrassed of you. You dress like no woman should ever dress, you hang out with these strange people that Callie has no business around and you, you are in a man's profession! You are an embarrassment to Mike and this family! Did anything your mother and I teach you stick? Any of it?"

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