Back To NYC

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The cop was so relieved to be back in New York she didn't know what to do with herself as she went back to work the next day, and Luisa returned to the diner. Callie of course missed California more then anything especially Stefanie for the two had become inseparable and were committed to writing each other everyday. Stef had to admit she was hoping it would distract Callie from writing Lena whom she erased from her life and from her memory all together.

"Mm I love chicken lo mien! I can't wait to eat!" Callie said as Stef was taking her and Luisa to Chinatown to grab some dinner. It was their first night out since being back in New York and she was happy to spend the time with the loves of her life. Unfortunately California had been a rather stressful trip even if it was good to see Julius, Tess and Ryan. "Can we take Stefanie when she visits mama?"

"Sure, sweets, and I know you love lo mien. I do too actually." She said smiling and turning to look at her girlfriend whose hand she wanted to hold so badly. "Baby...I mean, Luisa, what are you gonna order?"

"Mm, sweet and sour chicken, I think. You?"

"Mmm, sounds good. I'm gonna get egg fu young."

"Excuse me, Mama, can you mail my postcard tomorrow? One is for Stefanie and the other for Queen Mocha."

Lighting a cigarette, Stef eyeballed her girlfriend and cleared her throat as Callie looked at her wide eyed. "Baby-love, I thought you just wanted to write Stefanie?"

"I want to write both. I have the money for the extra stamp!"

"Yeah sure, babe." Stef took the post cards and slid them in the bag she had on her shoulder.

"Mail them first thing tomorrow, Mama, okay?" Callie swung Luisa's hand as she smiled at her mother, and Stef didn't have the heart to tell her no. How was she going to mail this letter to Lena after demanding that the light-skinned woman stop writing her daughter.

"I will, sweet-pea."

"Quieres entrar allí, bebé?" Luisa ran her hand down the cop's arm as she smiled. She was very grateful to be back home with her woman, and she would surely show her how much she meant to her that night when Callie was asleep.

"Sure, love. Let's head in and order anything you like. Sound good?" She winked at her girlfriend who blushed as they entered 69 Bayard. "Por qué te sonrojas, bebé?" She whispered as the Dominican woman blushed even harder.

"Te echo de menos," she whispered.

"I miss you, too, love," Stef smiled softly.

As the three had a fun dinner together laughing and joking Stef couldn't help but hold Luisa's hand under the table. Tonight she had plans to ask the woman to marry her even if they couldn't do it legally. She also knew they would still have to keep it under wraps until her divorce was settled with Mike and somehow explain it all to Callie. The little girl actually loved Luisa and enjoyed when she was around for she noticed her mom was much happier. Which she was but if the blonde was honest sometimes she had passing thoughts of the curly haired woman and just the thought made her feel as if a knife was stuck in her chest. Seeing Will only exacerbated that and sometimes the blonde wondered if there was some truth to what Lena said. Would she have come out and been who she was today if they had not had their relationship? Would she had come out at all?

After they enjoyed their dinner Stef took them for ice cream as they headed home around six that evening. By that time Callie was exhausted as she had fallen asleep on her mother's shoulder.

"She's so tired. I think she had fun." Lu said as they made their way up to Stef's apartment and she unlocked the door.

"I think so. She never conks out this early. I'll put her to bed and be right out baby-love."

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now