The Rest Of The Trip

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The remainder of the five days of their California trip had been much nicer than the first two. Why? Because both Stef and Lena avoided each other like the plague which was difficult for their friends to watch. Right now it seemed their relationship was irreparable which left everyone heartbroken. How had that happened? How was it possible that two people who loved each other more than life at one point could not even stand being in the same room together. How? No one knew and the gang decided to let it be even if it left them all heartbroken.

As much as Stef wanted to stay in a motel she knew she couldn't swing it financially and fortunately for her sake Lena spent the rest of the trip either at school, helping to repair the bakery or out with her own children as she had promised Julius that she wouldn't run this time even if everything in her screamed to do so. She knew that running was never a solution, but if she really was honest with herself, she hadn't meant a single word she had screamed in anger to Stef. She was hurt, embarrassed but most of all in denial, and she knew all of this and more. Truthfully, the curly haired woman wanted to run so she wouldn't have to face any of this, and she was counting the days and hours down until she didn't have to see the blonde anymore. Stef in return was counting down the days as well until they all returned back to NYC and wipe Lena from her mind.

As the days moved on rather slowly Lena did whatever she could so she would not have to see Stef and the blonde did the same as she took her girlfriend and Callie sightseeing and as promised spent a good amount of time with Stefanie. Callie and her had gotten close and both had tried to include little Frankie, but the young girl proved to be difficult at times especially whenever Stef or Luisa were around. The older girls didn't understand her contempt for them, and a couple of times, Stefanie had stared Frankie down hard. To Stefanie it was odd since she had never seen her behavior so disrespectful to anyone like this but it was evident Frankie didn't like either woman and no matter how much Lena taught her kids to be respectful Frankie was dead set on showing her dislike towards both of them.

Mostly the kids enjoyed playing together but Lena kept her kids away from Stef and Luisa but that proved to be difficult for Corey adored them. Often he would hold the Dominican woman's hand and bring her a flower from out back and offer to refill her coffee. She found him to be so sweet and much more well behaved then his sister women she caught rolling her eyes countless times at her and Stef. Both women ignored it for they each had both dealt with their fair share of difficult and somewhat bratty children, however the little girls behavior was about to change.

Lena usually entrusted her children with Julius however one particular morning he was not able to watch them as he was called at the last minute to the bakery to sign insurance papers.

"You sure it' no bother! I'm sooooooo sorry to ask you I just can't bring them with me." He said to the blonde as Stef took the last sip of her coffee. In her eyes she didn't  mind looking after Lena's kids but she wasn't sure if the woman would like it. 

"Julius I think we can handle it. Stop stressing. Relax."

"Ok I'll back very soon!!! I'm already late! Thanks baby!!" Running out with his briefcase he hopped in the car with Tess leaving his own for the women to take if they wanted to go exploring.

"Let me go get baby boy ready Lu. Be right back love."

"Sure baby." She said as Stef headed into the bedroom to check on Lena's son as Frankie eyeballed her rolling her eyes yet again. 

"Yuck." She mumbled to herself and crossing her arms for she did not want to spend the day with either of them.

"I'm excited to go to the farmer's market with you, Aunt Luisa!" Stefanie smiled at the older woman as she slipped her hand into hers. "It's going to be so much fun."

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