Lost (Part Two)

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After the crap Julius and Ryan both pulled on me last night my mind had been in shambles since. Seriously, I was so fucking pissed at both of them and as soon as I would get a chance I was going to rip them apart. Why did they feel the need to blindside me like that? Really? Did they not remember the pain this woman caused in my life after she cut me out. Clearly they both had amnesia and that was something I was not wishing to remember. Ever. Why I invited Lena to this art thing I had no idea and I was rally starting to regret it.  Nonetheless it was already set and I wasn't one to back out of plans as I look toward my girlfriend who smiles wide at me instantly erasing my thoughts.

"Come over tonight baby. I'll pick you up." I say sipping on my cola. Grinning at her I grab her hand flirting heavily as I played with her soft manicured fingers. What Julius said was right for once I discovered who I was ten years ago on that army base I never fully looked back. Ever for this was who I was. I was gay, and even if I was not out because of Mike, my daughter and my job it was a fact.

"I'm busy." She teases as I laugh for sometimes we played this game of hard to get.  It always cracked me up as she batted those long eyelashes at me and my eyes roamed up and down her body. Truthfully I had come along way from that shy, closeted and self conscious girl I once was. A long way and I was damm sure proud of it.

"Oh yeah? Busy with what? Mm? How can I make you unbusy baby? Mm?  Déjame follarte esta noche." I grin grabbing her fingers playing with them under the counter.

"Mm. You are getting better mama. So in that case maybe I will let you fuck me." She whispers leaning in front of me and showing me a clear view of her cleavage which she knew turned me on. "Puedes follarme en cualquier momento." She whispers again making my insides hot.

"Oh yeah? I can fuck you anytime huh? You better believe I will."  I wink as I can see that mischievous look on her face.

As we laugh and joke while she waits on a few tables as usual I scope out the coffee shop for it was just in my nature. Plus I was looking out for my woman as I often did especially with how handsy some of these customers especially men could get with her.  That was originally how we met when a few of them had gotten rowdy harassing her when I saw one of them grab her ass.  It didn't take long for me to slam him on the table and nearly rip his throat out. She was thankful about it after I threw them out and warned them never to fucking show up again or I'd put them all behind bars. Which they never did and that night I was rather persistent about staying until she was done with her shift.


"You don't have to stay Stef. I'm ok really. I do this every night mama."

"Yeah I'm sure you are but I'd sleep better knowing you were ok.  Protect and Serve." I smile trying my hardest not to let my eyes look too hard. But it was difficult for she was sexy as hell and I was hoping I was not too obvious. This coffee shop was one I frequented  often since moving up here especially since I laid eyes on her.

"Well that is nice of you.  I actually don't mind the company. But won't you get home late?"

"Mm I'm ok. I don't live too far from here  and my daughter is with her father this weekend so it's just me."

"You live up here?" She asks rather surprised for most people were when I told them. It was no secret the neighborhood was rather rough and Callie and I were probably the only white people.  That part did not bother  it was just the crime and drugs that ran rampant that was an issue. For the most part since moving up here we met alot of nice people who wanted to do right by their family.

"I do. Yes. Not many of me I know." I laugh as she turns to smile at me. 

"I don't mind it. But same for me I usually end my shift,read and watch a movie."

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