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"Julius you are a dick!! Do you know how shitty my weekend was?!! Do you!! Do you have idea??!" I could only scream at my best friend whom I was so furious with I couldn't even think straight. "What in the FUCK were you thinking!?!!  Despite what you and everyone else thinks I have a damm life and I don't need to go backwards!! So get the fuck oug my house! Now! I did not invite your disloyal skinny ass up here!"

"Mama chill I..

"No! I didn't respond to your calls for a reason! I didn't call you back for a reason. I am seriously and I mean seriously pissed at you and Ryan! More you! How and why?! I have a woman in my life and why are you trying to make things complicated for me Julius! Why!"

"I didn't know you had a woman Stef. You didn't tell me that mama." All I can do is run my fingers through my short hair for I was just damm near steaming. "Honey look. I didn't think it would go this bad. I really didn't and we just wanted to get you both to talk. It's been so damm long and suppressed feelings and...

"There are no feelings Julius! Zero! I moved on from that woman. I did and she has moved on from me! She doesn't even like woman apparently!"

"Well that's a lie. She loves you. And you love her."

"I DID love her. I did. And I don't anymore. I'm not interested and I told her to stay the fuck away from me. And you are in in the same boat. I really don't want to talk to you!"

"Look, honey I know I fucked up but I love you. I do and I love Callie. I loved you from the time you stood up for me in the bakery that day. I felt safe with you because no one ever stood up for me. Listen I have watched you grow and I'm so proud of you that you are happy and finally away from Mike. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. And I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. Let me make it up to you."

"No way. Not if she's in town."

"She won't bet here. Or come to Cali?"

"Really? You are kidding me right?" I say glarring at him like hes has lost his ever loving mind.

"Ryan and I will pay and we know a nice bed and breakfast!"

"Julius go. I need to head to work and pick up my daughter. Get out and I'm not telling you again."

"Are you gonna let me see her? I mean ....

"After what you pulled why should I? Fuck, you are lucky I don't want to put her in the middle but I swear to God you bring Lena and I'll never speak to you again. Never. You understand me!?

"Yes, calm down mama. I believe you. I cross my heart. Just me and Ryan."

"I'm not fucking around now get out. I had enough of you and I don't want to see you right now. Go." I say opening the door for him as he grabs his bag. "You can see Callie later."

"Ok. Ok but for the record when did you become so, so, rough? " He asks as I glare at him and my eyes narrow once again. "Nevermind. See you later."


Julius felt beat up, and he felt dejected that his, Ryan's and Tess' idea was now blown to shreds. He was so hurt and so low, that as he rode the subway back to the hotel, he developed a plan, one that included that he call Tess. There was no way he would throw her under the bus. Not at all. They were all each other's family, and he hoped that Stef would calm down with time. Maybe Tess could talk to her, but he had made her a promise to keep her updated. And he had planned to do so as soon as he got back to Cali, but now that everything had gone to shit, he decided she deserved a call today.

"Hey, babe! How'd it go?" Ryan kissed his boyfriend's lips as he entered their suite.

"Awful! Just terrible! And Stef is pissed half to death! Like something crawled up her tight ass and died!" He waved his hands for emphasis as he began to pace their room. "I don't know when she got so rough acting. Jesus. She's been in that neighborhood too long. I don't even recognize her."

"Deep breaths, love. What did she say?" The African American asked as he took a seat on their bed. He had a feeling this would happen, and he had even warned Tess and Julius it might blow up. But he was easy going, and he knew he needed to keep his cool for his lover.

"A whole bunch of pish posh. That she doesn't love Lena anymore, that she did and never wants to see her again. That if I set her up with Lena again she will never speak to me again. Ughh how she has moved on! Moved on? Yeah right neither of them have moved on and I can't help them. This one here claims she only is into men, that other one has another woman I don't know. I'm done with both of them. They are so dramatic and in such denial. Let them figure it out! I need a bath with my lavender beads before I go see Callie and scary ass Mama Bear!"

"Try to calm down Julius. It will be ok. And it may be difficult but eventually they will realize they are in love and be together."

"One can only hope! And that is if they don't tear me apart or each other in the meantime!"

"Aww it will be ok love. Sometimes these things take time. Did you give her Lena's letters?"

"No! The woman nearly ripped me to shreds! Stef Foster is intimidating and scary. Nope and I need a destressor from her. Goodness I nearly broke out in hives!"

"What about the letters she wrote Lena?"

"Honey I'm not asking her another thing. No way papi!"

Ryan could only laugh at his dramatic statement as he thought more and more about what to do. Maybe someone should give Stef those letters. But he knew they were back home in a trunk in their attic, and it wouldn't do them any good right now.

"Hey, Jules?"


"Maybe we should call Tess? I mean she's the one who thought of this."

"Way ahead of you, sugar! But here's the thing. She's gonna be devastated and blame herself all over again. Do we really want to hurt her even more? I thought about it, but now that I think of it more, it sounds like a really bad idea."

Ryan sighed now as he stood up and walked to look out the window. "I told you, guys. I warned you. But no one wants to listen to Ryan, the quiet guy."

"Oh don't you start with me, too, honey! I know you told me! I know it! But geez!"

"Listen," he turned to look at his distraught boyfriend. "I'm not all about drama and I told you so's, but I'm just as frustrated as you. I never got to see you, all, together, and the stories you tell make me laugh and wish I had those memories, too. But we can make new memories, right? I mean, we still have Lena and Tess and Gary and, Stef and Luisa..."

"I don't want that Rosie Perez in my life! No way! She can go back to Mexico for all I care!"

"Julius Reuben! What has gotten into you?" Ryan began to get angry at his outburst and rudeness.

"I MISS STEF AND LENA! SOMEONE NEEDS TO WAKE THEM THE HELL UP!" He hollered at the top of his lungs, his face as red as ever before storming into the bathroom to take a bath. Ryan could only throw his hands in the air as he shook his head, the both of them not realizing that Lena had heard everything.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now