Painful Memories

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As I wrap my hair for bed, my heart sinks. I had started straightening my hair again right after we came back to Oakland to pack up our furniture as Will was getting an honorable discharge after losing his leg. Not only did I find out that Stef was gone, but also, I had found out that none of the letters I had written had gotten there to the base in time for Julius to give them to her. I didn't know how to cope, let alone deal with anything life had recently thrown at me, but I could control one thing: my hair.


"What do you mean they moved off base? I've only been gone for six months!" My heart is pounding as I've knocked on Jenna's door to inquire about Stef.

"Listen, I don't know. All I know is that Jack is now over fighting in Nam, and Mike came back three months ago and they moved." 

I know that Jenna doesn't like me for anything, but I couldn't even find Julius. Tess was MIA, and I was at my whit's end. "They left? Are they at another base?"

"Lena, I have no idea, but you know what? I really don't care, you know. I mean it's not like she liked me, and I don't even know why you're even talking to me!"

My heart pounds as I glare at the red head, and she looks ashamed. "Oh. Because you were an awful ass to me and her? Is that it? Who else do I ask, huh? You were her neighbor! Sure you were a giant asshole, and you were my last resort! My very last! But I need to find Stef!"

"Didn't you keep in touch? Write her?"

"I did. I..I sent it to a friend....ummm, Julius, the other one you bullied, and I can't find him either." I  beginning to get angry as I remember how badly Jenna treated us, and I turn to go. "Thanks, anyway."

"Wait! Lena?"

Tears are burning my eyes, but I turn to look at her. "Yes?"

She looks nervous, something I'm not used to at all from her as she was only mean to me for years. "Can you ever forgive me? I mean...we have six more months on probation, but I think all of this kind of And I was wrong. parents...there's no excuse." She hangs her head, and I frown, not caring about her damn apology. All I care about is finding Stef or where she moved.

"Sure. Whatever you need to say to sleep at night, I guess."

"Maybe we can be friends? Eventually?"

"I'm moving back home. Thanks, though."

I quickly leave and practically run to my house as Will finishes packing the truck. We're flying back to Maine soon, and we're having our things shipped. I can barely see let alone grasp what has happened. It's true. I had written her as Julius asked me to do. But was he giving the letters to her? Did Mike come back and lose his mind? Was she okay?

"Ready, babe?"

I smile faintly as I nod. "Sure, babe. Let's go." I climb into the truck and we head towards the base airstrip. My heart is completely shattered. I'll call Julius as soon as I get a chance.

*Flashback Ends*

I climb into bed as I remember being back in Maine and calling Julius. He had said that by the time the letters reached the base, Stef was already gone, and he knew better than to forward them to her for fear Mike read them. He also told me she had moved, but he was waiting to see where as she was supposed to write or call him. Three months had passed, and she had done neither.

Tears fill my eyes as I remember this. I had called him once a month for six more months, and by the time I found out I was pregnant with Frankie, I gave up. When he called me a month later to tell me where she was, I told him she was just a memory, and I asked him to just let it go, even if he insisted I know. We argued on that phone call, and Will had overheard.


"Stef? The blonde married to Mike? The one you said was your new best friend?"

I don't want to look at him, fearing how much he heard. "That was Julius."

"I know who it was. You call him every single month and have been for what, six months?"

"Yes. He was a good friend."

"Okay. But can you look at me, Lena?"

I slowly turn around and look at my husband. "Look, she was my best friend, but sometimes friends move on. That's the army life for you." I run my hand over my stomach.

"You love her."

"No! Will, I love YOU! You're my first love!" I hurry over to him and cup his scruffy face, and he looks at me sadly.

"I may be your first love, but she's your person. I can tell. You forget I know you, Lena Adams. I've known you since we were kids. We were best friend, remember?"

"Will, I chose you. It's you I am bringing a new life into this world with. YOU!"

"And if you weren't pregnant? What then? Tell me, Lena! Just don't...don't lie to me!"

Tears are streaming down his face and mine as he pushes away from me, and I keep my hand on my stomach. "Will, we're having a baby! We're starting the family we've always dreamed about! What's done is done! Okay? We're a family!"

"So, you fucked her? How do you do that? Huh! How?!?! While I'm over there risking my life! You're fucking around with some woman! Who are you!"

He stumbles back as he as he rubs the back of his blonde head, confused and hurt beyond belief. I try to answer but no words come out. None. I stand here crying my eyes out as he turns to leave. And I don't see him again for almost a week.

*Flashback Ends*

I felt that Stef wouldn't want a pregnant woman let alone someone who just couldn't leave her husband. I couldn't bring myself to hurt her even more. I couldn't bring myself to call her up and tell her any of this, and now that Will knew, I wondered if Mike did as well. I couldn't risk her getting hurt or shunned or thrown out in the street. I needed her to be safe, and I needed to forget she ever existed. I had a baby on the way, and it needed a dad and mom. And as painful as all of that was at the time, I made it work....and thought I'd never see her again, until a few nights ago.

As I roll over on the giant king sized bed, I realize that I've been reminiscing most of the night. My heart sinks as I realize that I had made a wrong move at kissing Stef. It just happened, and as I keep replaying the memory over and over again in my head, I keep telling myself to stop! Please, stop! Don't do it, Lena! Don't cross that line again! She has a girlfriend! But what's done is done, and I can't undo what was done. I finally am able to drift off to sleep as I dream about Stef in the summer of 1969.

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