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"Callie Elizabeth! Come here, please!" I pull out my new pack of Newport cigarettes and take one out.

"Yes, Mama? What is it?"

I hold up a stack of post cards with different views and sites of the city that I found on the small counter next to our window, "Where did you get these? And why are they all addressed to Lena?"

She looks embarrassed as she bows her head. "Oh, sorry, Mama. I've been writing her. But I used my own money! I did!"

I frown as I set them down and light my cigarette. "Your own money?"

"Yes! From Papa Frank!"

My heart about stops in my chest. My father? When in the hell did she see my father? What's going on? " When did you see Papa Frank, Callie?"

"He met me and Daddy for breakfast last Sunday morning!  We went to that diner by your job!! Nana Sharon, too! And I got ten whole dollars and I got pancakes! But I was gonna surprise you with a plane ticket to California, Mama!" Her eyes light up as she tells me, and I sigh as I put out my cigarette and take her hand. Taking a seat I pull her onto my lap as she gently plays in my short hair for I could never be mad at this kid. She was too damm sweet and innocent and not a mean bone in her body.

"Oh, my love. My sweet, sweet love. Thank you, but you keep the money, okay? But how long have you been writing Lena? Hmmm?"

She looks down, embarrassed as she whispers, "Since she sent us the post card from Maine."

"But where did you get her address?"

"I called Uncle Julius."

I am annoyed, but I can't yell at the girl as she seems to be quite taken with Lena, and I understand it for she had talked about Lena for weeks since she left. "So, when are you mailing the next one, baby?" I brush her bangs to the side as she looks at me.

"You're not mad at me?" She looks worried, and I lean in and kiss her forehead.

"No, baby. I'm not. Tell me when you mail the next, and maybe I'll write on it, too, okay?"

"Okay, Mama, but can we go buy a plane ticket now? Pretty please."

"Sweetness I know you want to go. I know that cost more then ten dollars."

Looking at me with a rather hopeful expression I smile at her and gently rub her hand."Oh. Can we save for it? Maybe! I can work at the laundromat!"

"No, no sweetheart. It's too expensive right now ok. I'm sorry love. Maybe next year." Seeing the look of disappointment on her face was worse then anything  and right now I could kill Julius for putting this idea in her head. I knew he wanted to send me money for this trip but  my pride was getting in the way. Big time. "Listen, let me see what I can do ok? I will try my hardest. Maybe mama can work more overtime."

"No, because if that's the only way then we can wait. I'll be ok. Can you take me to Coney Island this weekend?"

"That I can honey bear."

"Ok." Jumping off my lap my heart can't help but feel terrible as she places the postcard beside me on the table. "Here you can write too. And Mama?"

"Yeah love?"

"I'm not mad at you. I know we will go. You work super, super hard but I can get a job to help too!"

"No you may not. Just focus on being a kid. Please." I wink as she hears her name being called and runs to the fire escape as I laugh

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now