Lost (Part One)

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"Thank you for letting me do this, guys. I know you wanted to take me sight-seeing, but I need some time to think."

"I know, Mama. It's kinda my fault for springing that on you last night," Julius gives me a hug, and I smile sadly.

"I'm not even mad. She..she, ummm, she invited me to some art thing late tonight, and I was gonna tell you guys. But if you have something planned..."

Ryan is shaking his head as I trail off. "Go. It's okay. Plus, maybe you guys can clear the air."

"I'm not so sure. I think she's trying to..to find out more about my life than anything," I laugh awkwardly, and Julius frowns as he folds his arms. "What?"

"Queen Mocha, need I remind you why?"

I sigh as I adjust my camera on my shoulder. "Because I cut her out."

"Yep. And she knows more about your life than you know of hers. And I think you really hurt that woman. I didn't want to push you before now, but Lena, it's kinda unfair for you to think she's gonna open her arms to you like nothing ever happened."

I nod as I look to see if I have everything. My hair is back in a low ponytail, and I slide my hat on my head as we begin walking down to the lobby. "You have the map I gave you?"

I nod as I hold it up. "Right here."

"Okay! Be safe, Mama! Don't get lost!"

I smile as both guys hug me, and for the first time in a very long time, I'm alone in a strange place.


As I make my way through the city, not realizing how crowded it is, I try to follow the map the best I can. Julius warned me to just take a cab being the subway could be confusing, and I neglected to listen and decide to be adventurous. Judging by the map I could see I needed to take the A train to 42nd Street another place he told me to not go to unless I was interested in being a streetwalker. Me being me brushed it off doing what I wanted.

Thankfully regardless of what people said about New Yorkers someone was nice enough to point me in the right direction of the train.

Heading down the steps I walk to the booth and purchase a few tokens. Despite missing my babies it felt good to do this and do something new as I boarded the crowed A train that was rather steamy. Feeling the excitement and mild fear I grab the hanging straps like everyone else and hold my bag close. I have to admit it feels rather intimating but I was a big girl as I glance at two women who were holding hands, and I could only smile.

It was hard not to feel bad about how things got so ugly between Stef and I last night. Infact it was difficult, and I would try so hard to be better tonight. I really would as I suddenly heard an announcement that was completely inaudible. Seeing that no one else was alarmed I figured all was ok as the train flew past station after station. But as it continued to go even faster now past each 59, 82, 110...wait what happened to 42nd?

"Um I'm sorry, but do you know if this train is stopping at Times Square?" I ask an older woman.

"No, mama. Skipped a bunch. Last stop, Washington Heights."

"Washington Heights?"

"Yes. Get off there go up the steps, across the street and back downtown. Construction."

"Thank you!"

Getting off the train like everyone else  I head up the long flight of subway steps not seeing where this other entrance was. The other side? Huh?  Walking furthur along and hoping to find the entrance to the downtown A I get distracted by the many sights around me. This neighborhood was definitely not what I was use to as I begin snapping pictures of graffiti and even a couple of bums on the street, one of which asked me for money. I throw down some dollar bills quickly before rounding a corner, and I gasp as I see what I can only imagine as a drug deal going down. Out in the open like this? 

Deciding it was time to get out of here I pull out my map as the mugginess of the early afternoon is now clinging to my skin making me feel gross and dirty. "Where the hell am I? This isn't anywhere near Times Square!"

The more I look at the map, the more confused I become, and I finally fold it and shove it in my bag before putting my camera away. I'm getting hungrier by the minute, and I begin walking down the sidewalk as I hear cat-calls from several Latin men. Of course, I ignore it as I near a diner which makes my mouth water. "Food!" I sigh with relief as I quickly make my way across the street and head inside.

The breeze from the fans hit me, and I'm exhausted and starving. I hadn't realized how hot it would be today, and I know my hair is a disaster. Taking a seat in a corner booth, I grab a bunch of napkins and wipe the back of my neck.

"Hello! Welcome to Luisa's Diner!"

I look up into a short Dominican woman's eyes. Her hair is super curly and her smile stunning. "Oh, hi. Is this...this your diner?" I ask as I see her name tag.

"No, it's my mothers, but she has the same name. Water? Coca Cola? What would you like?"

"Water is fine, and if you have a lemon wedge?"

She smiles widely and leaves as I look through the menu. I'm ravenous, and everything looks inviting. But I settle on a tuna melt and fries, and when Luisa returns with me water. I order. She is polite and kind, and she really doesn't look like she belongs in this part of the city at all.

I pull out my map to look it over, and as I try to figure out how to get back to the hotel, I hear a familiar laugh. My heart stops briefly as I look up to see none other than Stef sitting on a stool near the counter, and she's laughing hysterically as she reaches out to take my waitress' hand.

"Fuck!" I mutter as I can't fold my lap fast enough, and I shove it back into my bag before quickly exiting the diner. I have no idea how to get back, but I'd figure it out as a hooker walks up to me in broad daylight.

"Hey, pretty mama! Want a quick fuck?"

I look at her, and I quickly try to move away as she and her small crew of hookers begin cat-calling me.

"Look at that ass!"

"Nice tits!"

"She's a pretty, rich girl, but I'm sure she's good in bed!"

Tears surface to my eyes, and I want to holler back. They don't know me, but why the hell is Stef even here at this damn diner and with some sleezy hoe of a waitress? Why, of all the places, did I end up HERE? LOST! I rummage through my bag to see if I have any quarters for a pay phone, but I realize that I wont have anyone to call. My best bet would be to just get back on the subway and cross my fingers I end up back in a good part of the city.

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