The Night Goes On

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"How could you NOT tell me! How!"

"Hush! I won't apologize! I did what I needed to for the both of you! IT's been ten years Lena and you needed to get your ass together and face this. You alienated everyone, and if I had not been on your ass as much as I was you probbaly would have ditched me as well. That shit hurts mama! It hurt Tess, it hurt Stef it hurt us. All of us so you don't get to act all HIGH and mighty."

"I am not acting high and mighty! You heard some of what she said to me? And believe me Tess was not hurting."

"What? How can you say that? Open your damm eyes!"

"Julius....calm down honey," Ryan tries to calm his boyfriend, but it's of no use.

"I know Julius. I know what happened between her and Stef."

"Oh lordy. Not the time and place baby," Julius shakes his head as he attempts to calm himself.

"Well I'm over it anyway. And if you want I will suck up my feelings and behave. But I am not seeing her the rest of this trip. I'm not kidding."

"Fine." Julius says sipping on his water as I eyeball him.

"I'm serious!"

"I said fine! Relax mocha!" He yells as I sit back in my seat nearly guzzling my wine as I see Stef making her way back to us. Shit, she was do damm beautiful more than she was ten years ago and it was throwing me off. Big time and I hate that.

"Sorry. Just had to clean myself up a bit."

"That's fine! We got you white wine." Ryan says as she takes the seat back next to me and I try to calm myself. I was more mature then I had been behaving I really was.


"So Stef tell us how's Callie?" Ryan asks as I look confused. Who was Callie? Did she have a girlfriend?

"Oh she's good. Doing well in school. Sweet as always but wise beyond her years. Sometimes I wonder who the mama is!"

As everyone laughs I'm surprised and turn to look at her. "You have a daughter?"

"Yes." Responding rather coldly to me she goes back to talking with our two mutual friends, and I sip my wine. We order as the waiter returns, and Ryan and Julius excuse themselves for a smoke break out back to which I just shake my damn head. I thought they had quit, and if I didn't know any better, I'd think they're bluffing to get me and Stef alone.

"When did you move here? When did you become a cop? How's Mike? already said something about a daughter. Any more kids?" I begin rambling as soon as they leave, and she turns slightly towards me, meeting my stare.

She leans her face against her hand on the table as her hazel eyes study me, and I feel as if I could faint. Why isn't she talking? What's happening right now? I want to run and hide so badly. Why didn't I run when I wanted? This is bull-shit!

Stef licks her lips. "How have you been, Lena?" She completely ignores all of my questions which is super unnerving, and it makes me flustered even more. I can feel tears burning in my throat, and I demand myself not to cry.

"I'm..I'm good. I guess," I laugh awkwardly as I play with the napkin in my lap.

"Ya? You guess? How's Will?"

She won't answer a damn thing! Is this how she wants to play it? Fuck her! "I'm not sure, honestly."

"You're not sure?"

"No, I'm not. We've been divorced now for five years." I clear my throat, and she sits up to sip her wine.

"Oh ya? He's not there for you?"

"Why should he be?" I snap, my blood starting to boil all over again.

"Well, you have two babies. That's a good enough reason I suppose."

I snap my head over to look at her annoyed as all get out. "Who told you? How do you even know?"

"Well, unlike you, I truly cared, Lena. And I asked Julius about you since you wouldn't. I'm sure it's not a crime or anything. Or should I put in my resignation tomorrow morning," she jabs at me, and I take a deep breath to calm myself. I've been squeezing fists in my lap without realizing it, and my neck and head are beginning to hurt. I'm grateful when Julius and Ryan return and roll my eyes as they don't smell like cigarette smoke one single bit.



Lena had alot of nerve asking me all this and I was NOT answering one thing. All of a sudden she's curious and cares? Ha good luck honey.

As dinner finally ends I wish more then anything this night was over and meeting Callie and Mike was starting to sound better than this shit. As least Mike was a predictable asshole, Lena on the other hand. Man this woman. What did I EVER see in her?

"So here are your seats. We are on the other end." Julius says as I bite my lip seeing how we are now stuck together beside each other for the next three hours.

"I can go in the stand room." She says.

"Yeah? I'm that bad that you would rather stand then sit next to me?" I say completely annoyed.

"Stef?" She places her hand on my arm softly, and I don't notice right away.


"I'm trying here."

I laugh now as I pull away from her and take a seat on the aisle making her climb over me. Her perfume wafts through my senses, and I'm instantly rattled as I cross my legs and begin swinging my foot subconsciously while I look at the program.

People murmur around us, and soon the lights are dimmed as the play is about to start. Music blares throughout the auditorium, and I begin noticing how cramped the seating really is as I go to place my arm on the rest, bumping it against her soft skin. I inhale but catch myself so she can't hear, and slowly place my arm beside me in my lap.

I can't do this. I've never wanted to leave so badly in my life, and I'm beginning to possibly feel what Lena felt all those years ago: the urge to run and far. As the play continues, I become absorbed in the story line and realize it's a love story. I'm very much aware that Lena is still beside me in the dark room, and as the main characters kiss, I look over at her profile in the dim lighting.

She doesn't look at me. And when intermission comes, she excuses herself rather quickly. I rub my face in complete frustration now as I read the names of the actors of the play, not really comprehending what I'm reading. When she returns, I close the booklet and look at her.

"How long are you here?" I finally inquire, and she looks like she's been crying her eyes out.

"Two weeks. We just got here a few nights ago," she says rather softly as she doesn't look at me.

"Big plans for our city?" I watch her fumble with her fingers as she plays with the material on her dress.

"I'm not sure," she shrugs. "Julius insists on surprising me."

"No kidding," I smirk as she finally meets my eyes. "Ask him if you're free tomorrow night. I have somewhere I want to show you....if you're still into art." She looks at me with a confused expression, and I instantly regret my offer. "You know what? Forget it." I snap as I look away.

"I'll meet you," she finally answers, and I look back at her and don't smile. I'm so annoyed with her games, but I don't want to not ever see her again in life. I begin swinging my foot once more as the lights soon dim, and as soon as the play is over, I say my goodbyes and head to the diner. Luisa, round two sounds amazing right now.

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