Settling In

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"Baby-love, I'm sorry I didn't know Lena lived here. I had no idea." I say to my girlfriend as we find our room and begin to unpack. She has been quiet and I feel awful about this knowing it is going to be rather awkward. "I also want to apologize for Julius earlier. I spoke to him and that shit won't be happening anymore."

"It's ok, baby. I understand I'm not his favorite and I know you didn't know about Lena living here. We can still have a good time. Lena and I are adults. Right?"

"Sí." Sitting on the bed she sits besides me and grabs my hand.

"We can still enjoy ourselves. We don't have to stay in the house 24/7 right?"

"No. Of course not. I want to take you around, and show you San Diego. You and Callie, my love."

"Yo se. Are you going to be ok here with Lena? MM? Estarás bien?"

"I will, sweetheart. I was worried about you. It wasn't really my idea stay in the same house."

"It's ok. As long as you are ok. I am. Lets enjoy it and as soon as you start feeling weird, squeeze my hand three times. Ok?"

"Same goes for you, baby. Maybe I can get us a hotel instead?"

"Stefanie. Absolutamente, no! This trip set you back enough. And that's why I am giving you the money for my ticket."

"No way! No! No haga! No baby. Don't. You keep your money! This is me taking you out for all the times I couldn't. No." I say gently stroking her cheek as she smiles softly at me

"Ok. It will be fine. Don't stress."

"Ok, baby." Kissing her lips she gets up to finish unpacking as I light a cigarette feeling antsy about seeing Lena. Shit. I was hoping she didn't think I was an asshole. Fuck. Fuck Julius and those letters.



"I'm so happy to meet you, Luisa," I smile warmly as I had just returned from my afternoon classes. It was nearing six in the evening, and Ryan had taken all four kids over their friend, Elsa's sleepover. Elsa was turning nine, and she was having a huge camp out in her parent's backyard. All day I had tried to prepare myself for this since Julius told me Stef was coming, but seeing her girlfriend is throwing me for a loop big time. Seeing Stef in New York a few times was enough for me but now for an entire week? I'd rather shoot myself in the foot. But I was an adult and Stef seemed like she loved this woman, and I was going to be respectful. I could do it. Definitely. Maybe it would be ok? Yes, I'd tell myself that. Friends?

"Si! Y tu!" Luisa smiled warmly, and I am hopeful that we could really all be friends. John was set to arrive around seven, and I was nervous as all get out about that as well. This was the first time I'd be introducing him to my friends and I just wasn't sure how this was going to go. But I could not let these two be a distraction and throw me off.

"Hey, Lena," Stef ran her hand down Luisa's back as I blush slightly. This woman still gets to me every single time, and I hope I can hide it because I am all about respecting my friends even if it will possibly prove to be difficult.

"Hi, Stef."

"So, I hear that your boyfriend will be joining us?"

"Oh. Ummm, yes, he'll be here in an hour. He gets off work around now and wanted to go home and shower and stuff like that," I swallow hard as I set down my books rather nervously.

"Como se ama?" Luisa asks, and I look at Stef who laughs softly. What the hell?

"She asked what his name was, hun. Ingles, por favor," Stef whispers to her girlfriend, and I smile as well.

"I'm sorry. My Spanish is very poor. But his name is John, and we've been friends for about three years now. But ummm, ya, you'll like him." I pull out a pitcher of water. "Can I get you guys anything?"

"No, thank you. Maybe Julius needs help on the grill?" Stef looks like she is antsy, and I know that she feels helpless not helping out. That was one thing that hadn't changed about her. She loved to jump right instead of feeling helpless which was her pet peeve since she said she was helpless prior to the person she was now. In my eyes she wasn't really helpless just tame.

"Mmm? Maybe? But he can grill a mean steak. Oh, and Gary and Marty will be here soon. Plus Jillian and Sandra. And Tess...ummm, well, I'll let her tell you when she gets here." I quickly leave the kitchen and head outside to the patio to see if Julius needs help before Stef grills me. I didn't mean to let anything out regarding Tess, but I'm worried about her so much right now.

Apparently Jerry had shown up here the other day, and Ryan had let Tess know. She had called the number to the hotel where he was staying and was supposed to meet him for coffee this afternoon around four thirty. I am nervous to tell Stef this as she is super protective of Tess and her little girl and might demand the keys to my car.

"What's up, Queen Mocha?" Julius is lighting the charcoal, and I take a seat on the long porch swing. Stef and Luisa soon come out, and sit across from me on a lounge seat near the grill. Honestly I don't really know how I'm feeling as I try not to stare at them

"Not much. You need help with anything?"

"Oh, no, honey. You just sit there and look pretty."

"You guys find out who vandalized the bakery?" Stef pipes in as I sip my water nervously.

"Ummm, no, but the police asked a shit ton of questions. They think it might be kids, as in teenagers or something, but we don't know."

"I mean, have you had any of this type of hate before? Any regular customers who have left bad reviews? Or who have seemed off to you?" Stef grills us, and I look at Julius who is shaking his head. "Anyone make any threats?"

"No! I mean we have so many customers who come back every single week, and some come every single day! I had no clue something like this would happen! Good thing we have insurance because it's gonna suck ass trying to keep bringing in the money as it's remodelled!" Julius ties his grilling apron on, and I stand to my feet. I need to spruce myself up before John arrives, and I realize it's already thirty minutes until he gets here.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to go and get ready," I smile nervously as Stef looks at me and smiles softly. Her arm is around Luisa and they are holding hands. They are a cute couple, but I'm unsure what exactly I am feeling right now, and I'm hoping it'll pass before John gets here.

I make it inside and lean over the kitchen sink as I take deep breaths. This is damn near impossible. All of it, and I'm mad at Julius, part two, because he didn't tell me Luisa was coming as well. Why would Stef bring her? Why?


I jump as I hear Stef's voice. "Oh. Hi. Hi, Stef. Did you need anything? I'm gonna go shower."

Stef steps closer to me, but I turn to leave the room. "Stop." Stef commands then softens her voice. "Please."

I feel myself panicking. "Yes?"

"Lena, I didn't know you lived here. I didn't. When I told you a few months ago that I don't know everything about you, I wasn't lying. I wouldn't have..have stayed here, or.... I...I'm sorry, Lena."

I choke back tears as I struggle to maintain eye contact with her, my emotions all over the place. "It's okay..."

"No, it's not. It's just not, and we can move to a hotel."

"No. Please don't. We're friends, right?" I manage.

Stef looks me deeply in the eyes, and I wish to disappear, for the floor to open and swallow me whole. "Yes. But if you feel uncomfortable, I'll figure something out. I should have told Julius Luisa was coming. He didn't know. So I was an ass in that sense."

I bite my bottom lip and nod as I smile weakly. "Stef. Really. It's okay. I promise. And plus now you can meet John."

She doesn't smile but instead stares at me until I finally turn and leave the room. I can't take it. She can see right into my soul, and I have no clue how I'm gonna manage this week one bit.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now