The Met

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"What time is she meeting you here, baby girl?" Julius sits on my bed as I run a hot comb through my hair trying to smooth out the frizz from the day.

"She said she'll meet me here at 8ish. After today, I'm surprised she even wants to still go."

"Why didn't you just wash your hair? Brings those curls back?"

"Oh, get off my back about my hair! Why does it bother everyone?" I slam the hot comb on the dresser.

"Woahhhhh! What is going on? It's not like you to get mad at me these days? Does she really affect you like this? What's going on, Lena?" He uses my real name, and I sigh loudly as I sit beside him.

"I'm sorry, Jules. You don't deserve this, but you kinda opened a big can of worms when you tried to reunite us." I look at him as he frowns.

"Oh, honey, it was Tess' idea! Me and Ryan talked about it a lot before we pulled the trigger..."

"Tess? She has a lot of nerve!"

"How the hell did you find out that they slept together? You never said a single word!"

"I overheard you and Ryan talking one night. It was when we were all at Gary and Marty's, and I was doing the dishes. The screen window was open, and I'm guessing you had spoken to Stef earlier that day. Anyway, you have a loud voice. I was mad. Really mad. Not at you. But both of them, and I cried for weeks and months over it. I'm okay now. I'm over it."


"What's uh-huh supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," he shrugs as he stands. "Listen, Ryan and I will leave you alone tonight in case you bring Stef back here to fuck, okay?"

"That won't happen!" I laugh, and he laughs, too as he waves and heads to his room. All I can do is stand in the middle of the room in my bare feet for several minutes in shock. It hadn't even crossed my mind to bring Stef back to fuck her at all. Why did Julius insist that there was anything left between us?


"You look nice," Stef gets out of the cab, and I can't help but stare. She has on dark dress trousers and a stark white shirt which she has unbuttoned down to her cleavage, something I wasn't used to seeing on her as she was super self conscious of hiding herself. Of course, when we were at Marty and Gary's, she was the freest I had ever seen her. Her blonde hair is slicked back yet curls and waves in all the right places making it hard for me to stop staring.

I smile softly as she opens the door to the cab so I can get in. I had decided to wear my cranberry boho dress which flowed almost down to my heels yet opened freely in the front, exposing my slim legs. The dress had huge pink flowers adorned across the pattern and dipped neatly between my small breasts. Bangles and dangling earrings along with a long chained necklace complete the ensemble, and now I'm questioning whether or not it was too much. This was how I usually dressed even if I didn't go out ever.

"Thank you," I swallow as she goes around the cab and slides in beside me before telling the driver where we're headed.

"I take it you made it back safely," her voice is softer than it has been, and my nerves begin to relax some. She knew how much art meant to me, and the mere fact that she was taking me somewhere I'd always wanted to go spoke volumes. Maybe we could actually be friends?

"I did. And I'll pay you back for the cab when I'm dropped off. I insist."

She laughs softly as she looks over at me. "You are so prideful, aren't you. I already said no. Why do you insist on digging in? Hmmm? Am I not able to help you out?"

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