Walking the Beat

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Several months went by, and before Stef knew it, it was the middle of July. The heatwave that hit New York City was unbearable, and the cop was constantly keeping Callie's hair in braids as she had no air for her in the apartment. Right now the expense of the AC along with the electric bill was just too much so the blonde had gone and bought one fan. Insisting that Callie use it at night the young girl was stubborn and told her she wouldn't use it unless Stef slept with her.  So the both of them slept in the warm bedroom with the fan blowing on them night after night as Callie snuggled close to her mom.

During the last few weeks Callie spent her days at the free camp with Mariana and Qiana and afterwards the Latin girls grandmother was kind enough to watch them all. Since Mariana's mother worked around the clock at the laundry mat, Stef was able to send clothes with Callie so she could wash them when Mariana and her went together.  When the girls did go they loved running around and looking for loose change in the machines that they would spend on candy and pop at the corner store. That was the highlight of their days and Stef would return the favor anyway she could by buying additional groceries for the family. It was true that everyone in the building really looked out for one another depspite the dangerous neighborhood and they all respected Stef as she did them.

Stef wasn't worried about Callie at all as she had taught her to fight and defend herself. Plus, she taught her when and when not to go out and about, and the young girl was good at obeying orders. There were several nights when Stef had to pull an all-nighter, and on those nights, she sent Callie to stay with her father. Mike may have been a pain in the ass, but he made sure to work with Stef's schedule so that Callie was never alone at night. That fact alone still didn't deter the blonde from going to the courthouse and having divorce papers drawn up, and when they were finally served, all hell and more broke loose.


"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Stef? Divorce papers?" The angry man was waving them in the air as Stef was at her locker adjusting her gun belt.

"Keep it down, Mike. We're at work, for Christ's sake!" She hissed as she slammed her locker door.

"I told you, this ain't happening! Nope! Over my dead body, it will!"

She laughed then as she folded her arms, "When's the funeral?"

"I'm not joking, Stef! I'll be the laughing stock of this precinct! Not happening!"

"Just sign the papers, Mike. Our marriage has been over for a long time even if I did only leave you a little over a year ago."

"You've hit your mother fucking head!" He hollered as he stepped closer to the blonde cop who got up in his face then.

"I said to cool it! And I haven't hit my head, but you've hit yours, Mike. Stop trying to hold on to hope! We are done!"

"Well, we'll just see about that!" He threatened, and Stef could only bite her tongue from cussing like a sailor at work.

"What's that supposed to mean? Huh? I'm not afraid of your ass!"

"It means what it means! You won't win this!" Mike shoved the papers in his own locker and stormed out of the room before Stef could reply, but she felt relief. It was finally just about over. And then she could really move on...with Luisa.

*Flashback Ends*

That was in June, and now it was July, and Mike had ignored her hard core which she didn't mind at all. Not one single bit for he was a royal pain in the ass. Stef however while ignoring him herself had other plans. It had been more then a year since she started to date Luisa and she really wanted to take things further.  The pretty Dominican woman had met Callie a few times but Stef never introduced her as her girlfriend which Luisa understood. They both were pretty under wraps about their relationship for separate reasons. Despite this Stef planned more dates, and stayed over every chance she got.  Buying gifts was something she couldn't help herself with either even if Luisa told her not to waste her money. 

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