A New Friendship

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"I thought you would have moved by now, Will," I joke as I sit beside him under the bridge where I first saw him. I had been meeting up with him after my shifts as I had begun to work more and more to try and save the money I needed to move me and Callie. This custody battle has since become a giant bitch, and I try to keep myself busy NOT thinking about it. It was bad enough I'd need to explain it all to Callie and head to family court soon since Mike was being a real ass and on purpose. It was just like him to do this since I knew he was pissed that I filed for divorce and wasn't backing down. His damm ego go hurt and crushed plus he was pissed I took Callie to California. But there was no way in hell I was backing down and he could kiss my ass for all I cared.


"I hate to break it to you asshole but you are NOT getting full custody. NO WAY!" I yell at Mike in the locker room at work as he smirks at me.

"Oh yeah? Watch me. You better get a good lawyer."

"Why are you doing this huh? Putting our daughter in the middle because I what, shattered your precious fucking ego! Huh!" I say getting closer to him as he grows angry.

"Ego! Don't flatter yourself! Callie deserves better then her tramp of a mother who  brings her around faggots and dykes. And that woman at the diner. She your girlfriend? You think I'm stupid? "

"No I think your an asshole."

"Well this asshole is royally going to bleed your dry. Like I said you better get a good lawyer because mine has never lost a case and you stand no chance. I make more money, I have a nicer apartment with two bedrooms, a savings account AND kosher relationships. Also I wasn't a drunk. You think I don't remember how you were when Callie was born? Believe me I remember.  I told you not to go through with this. You wouldn't listen. And I know your gay. I know it ,and our job wouldn't like that and neither would the courts. A single gay or faggot mother living in a shitty area with her kid.  Meanwhile her dad lives  in a nice area, a two bedrooms apartment, straight. Who are they going to pick?"

"Fuck you." I yell slamming my locker for what was I going to do. He was right about all of it. And that pissed me off. "And you only have a savings because you stole it!"


"Moved?" He jokes back as we open our sandwiches. Cinnamon sits off to the side as usual, wolfing down anything and everything I bring for them. So badly didn't I want to know her real story, how old she was and whom she ran from. It would take time but eventually maybe I'd find out.

"Well, you know, to that two-bedroom condo you've been saving for."

"Ha! Good one, lady!" Cinnamon butts in, and Will laughs.

"Sure. Me and Cinnamon, here, are counting down the days!"

We both laugh, but Cinnamon continues to ignore us. "So, I meant to tell you...ummm, you didn't see me back in August for a week because...well, because I went to California."

"Oh ya? What's so great about California?"

I sigh as I turn to face him. "Will, I went to visit my friends. Julius, Ryan, Tess, Stefanie...and Lena and the kids."

Will stops smiling as I say her name, and he lowers his head. "How is she?" he asks softly, keeping his head bowed. "Is he doing ok?"

"Lena?" He nods but doesn't look at me. "She's doing well. So are the kids. Frankie is eight..."

"Gonna be nine soon," he chimes in and finally looks me in the eyes. "And my boy will be seven in January."

I watch him as tears come to his icy blue eyes, and he quickly wipes them before I'm supposed to notice. "You think of them, mm?"

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