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Mary's POV

Ten hours left until the boys are back home from tour. At least that's what Nick said during our call an hour ago before he had to leave for their last show.

For now, I'm stuck in my theatre arts class being impatient, and it's not going so great.

"Hey." I jumped as I heard a voice.

I looked to see my good and only friend in college, Devin. We both got lost on our first day here and didn't realise we walked into the wrong room. Since then, we've just become good friends.

"Hey." I answered back.

"You've been distant today. Talk to me." He took the empty seat next to me. 

"I'm just super excited and nervous about seeing a couple best friends of mine later tonight, and I can't stop thinking about it." I sighed.

"Ahh this again." He nodded. "Let's go shopping to take your mind off of it." He gave a cheeky smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "As much as I'll love that, we can't."

"And why is that?" Devin frowned.

"Because WE have to rehearse for our play next week."

He stopped to think for a second before saying anything. "Let's just skip rehearsal today, give our heads a break from thinking too much, and we can go shopping to release stress."

"What exactly are we shopping for?" I asked.

"A welcome back party for your friends." Devin shrugged.

My eyes went wide for a split second. "OH MY GOSH, YES!"

"Please keep yours voices down." The professor warned.

"Sorry." Devin apologised for me.

"Alright 'child' , shall we go then?" He made quotation marks at the word child referring to my loudness a few seconds ago.

"Right now? But we're in class." I motioned with my hand to the stage, where a small group of our classmates were performing their parts in the play.

"Will, it is our last class of the day. And all they're doing are rehearsals........and we both know how easily distracted you can get."

"I promise you we'll have our own rehearsal date when we finish decorating your place." He pleaded.

"Alright fine." I gave in. "But you're making me chocolate covered strawberries for missing my birthday."

"Whatever the girl wants, the girl gets." He put his hands up in a defence way.

We both laughed making sure to be as quiet as possible as we sneaked out the class.


"Why are we in this section? We don't need anything from here." I asked Devin as he swapped different shades of lipsticks on his arm.

"We're going to make you look cute." He simply gave me a smile.

"No!" I quickly responded.

"Yes! Come on, it's a party after all."

"It'll only be seven of us."

"Eight. That is if you're counting your rude roommate."

"Nine, with Skye. Too bad she can't make it." I sighed.

"She's a busy girl." He continued swapping lipsticks.

"I haven't seen my sister since high school graduation."

"AHA! This is the one." Devin practically sang instead of speaking like a normal person.

"We're not in a musical but that was amazing." I chuckled taking the lipstick from his hand.

"Red?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "It looks wonderful on you." He said.

"Let's go get cupcakes, balloons and a welcome back sign instead." I gave him a fake smile and placed the lipstick back.

"Fine. But don't blame me when you don't have anything to wear to look good."

"None of this has to do with what we're doing." I laughed at him.

We walked isle by isle until we reached the party section. I grabbed rainbow coloured balloons, and a welcome back sign that would get hanged in the living room. They'll have a clear sight of it when they walk in.

Next, we grabbed velvet cupcakes and strawberries with chocolate because Devin was going to make me chocolate covered strawberries.

We then went to self check out and paid for everything including party hats that Devin had secretly placed into the shopping cart..... amazing.


Back at my place we got everything ready. The balloons were in place, the sign was perfectly hanged up, surprisingly, because we were having a hard time putting it up and let's just say, Devin fell on top of me....it wasn't pretty.

The cupcakes were set on the table and we even had a speaker for music. I did wondered though. Wouldn't they be tired? I mean they've been touring for a while now and they're be back after a show. So now that gives me second thoughts about this. 

I was starting to get nervous again. They were almost here. I lost track of time but I know it would be soon. I didn't know exactly why I was nervous. I've lived with them after all.

And I just hope Devin won't go full on fan girl over them. That would be hilarious now that I think about it, knowing how he is.

"Oh Kenna, I wish we could just run away and live the rest of our lives together." Devin spoke dramatically loud enough for the neighbours to hear.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What are you doing?"

"I promised we would rehearse for the play." He came walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, continuing saying his lines.

"Even if it means dying here, I'll never leave your side." Devin almost tripped over nothing but still managed to stay in character.

I laughed at how dramatic he was being and stopped immediately when I heard a car pull up outside the driveway and doors being shut.

"I know our love is forbidden but I--."

"Devin shhhh." I shut him up by putting a cupcake inside his mouth and the frosting got all over him.

I mouthed to him sorry as we stayed quiet hearing voices getting closer and closer and they sounded very familiar.

It was them.

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