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Kevin's POV

"Wasn't that ride fun?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, did you get the picture the camera from the ride took?" Ella asked.

"I did." I answered.

"Well, where to next?" Katherine asked.

"Maybe that roller coaster with the ghosts?" Howie suggested.

"That's spooky but I like that idea." Ella agreed. We were walking to our next roller coaster and I saw a familiar face. It was Britney, Justin's girlfriend. We froze and Britney just stared.

"What's she doing here?" Howie mumbled.

"I don't know." Ella mumbled.

"If she stayed with Justin despite what he did to Selena, she's just as messed up as he is but worse." I added. Britney sighed and walked towards us.

"Britney, we don't wanna start a fight here." Katherine said.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Britney asked with a smile.

"We're on a road trip." Howie answered.

"What are you doing here?" Katherine asked.

"I'm doing a concert here in half an hour but since I saw you I wanted to talk." Britney answered.

"Is it about Justin?" Katherine asked.

"What he did was messed up and I am disgusted by his actions. I broke up with him right after and I'm sorry to the girl he messed with. I wish I found her so I could apologize." Britney sighed.

"You had nothing to do with it." I assured her.

"I wish I knew how awful he was." Britney replied.

"Well you did the right thing by dumping him." Ella responded.

"Thanks. If I can't find that girl but you do, mind telling her sorry for me?" Britney asked.

"Sure." I answered. Britney nodded and left.


Selena's POV

"I am Kylo Ren!" Brian cheered holding up Kylo's lightsaber.

"And I am Ben Solo!" Nick added joining him. Which made Mary and I laugh.

"You guys can't be Kylo and Ben if Mary wants to be Rey. It'd mean Nick and Mary would have an epic love and dyad." I teased.

"It's fine with me." Mary giggled.

"Me too." Brian agreed.

"Me three." Nick joined in as they all laughed.

"You have a red lightsaber, who do you wanna be?" Brian asked me as he pointed at my double blade lightsaber.

"How about Maul?" Nick suggested.

"Eww no he's ugly." I spat playfully.

"Who else could you be?" Nick asked.

"She could be Dark Rey from The Rise Of Skywalker but it'd mean her true love was Kylo." Mary giggled.

"Fine with me. Come my lady." Brian joked as he picked me up from my hips and spun me around like we were in a musical. Mary and Nick laughed.

"Yes come with me Rey. Take my hand!" Nick shouted.

"Yes Ben!" Mary shouted and they held each others hands. The four of us would act silly like this until a guard told us to stop and we did.


"Kevin just texted that they're ready for dinner and said join them when we're ready." Brian said looking at his phone.

"I am getting hungry." I said as I heard my stomach grumble.

"Me too." Mary nodded.

"Alright, let's go then." Nick said.


"How was your day?" I asked looking at Devin as we started getting our dinner from Wendys.

"Ours was fun." Devin answered.

"We stopped the girls from shopping too much." AJ said making everybody laughed.

"We weren't that bad." Skylar giggled.

"Nah, you weren't." AJ said giving her a cheeky smile.

"How was your day?" Mary asked looking at Kevin and Howie.

"We got wet." Howie chuckled.

"Yeah we had fun." Kevin agreed.

"We bumped into Britney today." Ella said.

"What?" Danielle gasped.

"What'd she say?" Devin asked.

"Did she start something?" Mary asked.

"No she didn't. She was nice to us." Katherine answered.

"She felt bad for what Justin did to Selena." Ella added.

"She dumped him." Howie mentioned.

"She told us to tell you, if you didn't see her, sorry for her." Kevin said looking at me. I smiled a little at that.

"Girls gotta stick together." Danielle said.

"What about your day?" Skylar asked looking at Mary.

"We had tons of fun. Check out our lightsabers." Mary answered revealing her blue lightsaber from the bag the shop gave us. Everyone awed at it.

"I might not be a Star Wars fan but that looks so real." Katherine beamed.

"Mine's blue too so Mary and I are Ben and Rey." Nick said showing his.

"Ours is red which means I'm Kylo Ren and Selena's Dark Rey." Brian added pointing at ours.

"Here we go again." AJ chuckled face palming himself which made everyone laugh.

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