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Nick POV

"I'm gonna see if we got mail." Mary said as she opened the door.

"I'm guessing it's gonna be bills." AJ said as he was chewing his gum.

"Probably." Mary giggled and left. A few seconds later she came back inside and had letters in her hand and kicked the door shut lightly. She looked through them but on the last one she paused and stared at it for a few seconds.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't recognize the address." Mary replied.

"Open it." Kevin insisted.

"Maybe it's important." I shrugged. Mary nodded as she opened it.

"What does it say?" Kevin asked.

"You got a gig." She announced.

"What?" Howie cheered.

"Where?" Brian asked.

"When?" AJ added.

"At the amusement park next Friday at five thirty." Mary cheered. We all celebrated and hugged each other and we heard Selena come downstairs.

"What's going on?" Selena asked.

"We got a gig." I answered.

"Really?" Selena beamed as she hugged me.

"Yep." I answered.

"It's gonna be our first one since we got back." Kevin said.

"That's great." Selena replied and she kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna call Ella to see if she can come!" Howie shouted and ran upstairs.

"I'm calling Katherine too!" Kevin added and went into the kitchen.

"And I'm calling Skylar." AJ chuckled as he went to the backyard.

"Congrats." Selena said.

"We should invite Dani and Devin to go too." Mary suggested.

"That's a good idea." I agreed.

"Can I invite Chris since he's new in town?" Selena asked looking at me.

"But won't he be gone by then?" I asked.

"He said two weeks." Selena answered.

"Who's Chris?" Mary asked.

"Her ex boyfriend." Brian answered.

"I mean--- if she wants to." Mary shrugged.

"Are you taking her side?" I asked looking at Mary.

"No. It's just you and I are exes but we're friends. Brian and Dani are exes but they're also friends." Mary replied.

"That's different though." Brian said.

"But how?" Mary asked.

"We've been best friends for years. And yeah when we broke up and got into new relationships it was awkward at first. But we didn't let it ruin our friendship. Selena has admitted that she hasn't talked to him since her high school freshman year. And when they were together they weren't that close." I explained.

"People can change." Selena said.

"I have a bad feeling about him. That day we were a couple he gave me bad vibes." Brian said.

"Brian's right." I agreed.

"But you were okay with me being friends with him." Selena said.

"I lied." I admitted.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm afraid to lose you." I admitted.

"You don't trust me, do you?" Selena asked.

"It's Chris that he doesn't trust." Brian corrected.

"You and Nick are both so unbelievable!" Selena shouted and went upstairs. We heard the door shut hard and we stood there in an awkward silence.

"I should see if she's okay..." Mary mumbled breaking the silence and went upstairs. I looked at Brian.

"Did we just fight with our girlfriends?" I asked.

"I think we just did." Brian agreed.


Selena POV

Mary hugged me as I cried.

"I thought he trusted me." I cried. Mary didn't say anything but patted me on the back.

"I mean he lied to me. He said it was okay. I don't like Chris that way." I blubbered.

"I know." Mary whispered.

"Boys are jerks." I groaned.

"They are." Mary agreed. "How about I get ice cream and we can talk?" She suggested.

"Yes." I cried nodding.


Mary POV

After awhile Selena and I got tired so I went back to my bedroom and went to bed and I heard a knock and saw Brian.

"Hey." He mumbled.

"Hi." I replied.

"Did we just have our first arguement as a couple?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered bluntly.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should've not said anything." He shrugged.

"You're right. You should'nt have." I agreed.

"I don't know. I couldn't help it. Something about Chris gave me red flags." Brian said.

"There's a proper way of telling her that. But tonight you belittled her and made her feel stupid." I explained.

"I know and it wasn't right. Selena loves and adores Nick. I know she'd never hurt or cheat on him. But I feel like Chris wants more than a friendship with her." He admitted.

"Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong. But like I said, there's a proper way of telling her that." I said.

"Tomorrow I'll apologize to her, I promise." He promised.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked.

"Yes you are." I assured him. He got closer to me and we kissed.


Selena POV

"You should have told me how you really felt." I teared up.

"I'm sorry I didn't. I felt insecure and I shouldn't have." Nick mumbled as he looked down.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"I do, just not him. I don't know him." Nick answered looking back at me.

"If you don't want me to be friends with him I won't be." I assured him.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked.

"I'll delete his number and never talk to him again to prove I love you." I answered. He smiled and hugged me. I was confused.

"You don't have to." He whispered. "I trust you and if you wanna be Chris' friend then you can be." He said looking back at me.

"You mean it?" I asked. He nodded and we kissed. Then one thing lead to another.....

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