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Selena's POV

It had been a long drive and everyone but me, Kevin and Nick were still awake. Nick and I were sitting next to each other and holding hands. I looked out the window out of boredom. Then suddenly we saw a beach and the sunset was coming up. Kevin parked the car and everyone woke up to the sound of the car stopping.

"Are we at Disneyland yet?" Howie yawned.

"No, remember I told you we're stopping at a beach first?" Kevin asked.

"Right." Howie mumbled.

"Why are we here exactly?" Katherine asked.

"To be more awake. Besides you're all yawning so I'm right to say we need a break." Kevin answered giving her a cheeky smile. Katherine giggled in response.

"But no swimming. We can't get this van wet since it's a rental. So just play or whatever." Kevin added.

"Alright dad." AJ teased him and everyone laughed. We all got out of the car and AJ and Skylar were walking but strangely watching me and Nick. While Kevin and Katherine ate some snacks. Brian, Mary, Ella, Danielle, Devin and Howie were playing tag like they were children.

But I was mainly focused on my walk with Nick. The sunset was beautiful and I felt like I was in a rom-com.

"Selena?" Nick mumbled catching my full attention. I looked at him and giggled.

"It's beautiful here. I'm glad Kevin made us stop to watch the sunset." I said.

"I'm glad." Nick replied.

"I've never watched the sunset like this before." I replied.

"Me too. But about yesterday.." Nick started to say.

"So you were hiding something?" I asked.

"Yes but in a good way. Like a surprise." He said making me stop walking and gazing into my eyes as I gazed into his.

"Selena, I love you. You're my first love and you know that." He said holding my hand.

"Yes." I nodded awkwardly.

"We've been through a lot and I know everything that happened between us made us stronger as people and as a couple. I can feel it. I love you, I love you. I can't say it enough. I can't imagine my life without you. Believe me I tried and it's meaningless and depressing. I want to marry you of course after college,"  He paused chuckling and I smiled. "I want to have children and grow old together." He said.

"You think about that?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered.

"How many kids do we have?" I asked smiling.

"Two. Hopefully a boy and a girl. But if we end up with two boys or two girls or have more than two kids that's fine. I would love them with all of my heart and try to be the best dad. I already know you'll be the best mom. I want forever with you and only you." He said getting down on one knee.

"Nick.. what are you doing?" I asked as I gasped in shock.

"Selena... I love you so much. I just want you. So will you do me the honor and marry me?" He said as he revealed a box, opened it revealing a ring. I teared up with joy.

"Yes." I answered nodding. "Yes, a million times...yes." I cried. He smiled as he put it on me and got up and spun me around. I heard clapping and applauding and looked at everyone.

"She said yes!" Nick shouted. Everyone ran towards us and the guys were hugging and cheering Nick while the girls gathered to me as they awed at my ring.

"That's gorgeous!" Katherine shreked.

"It's beautiful!" Skylar beamed.

"You have to tell us everything you said!" Mary cheered.

"Details! Details!" Danielle agreed.

"This is why the boys were acting weird and I was in on it." Skylar admitted.

"Why didn't you tell us, Sky?" Danielle asked.

"AJ took Selena on a date to distract her." Skylar answered.

"That makes sense now." I giggled.

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