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Skylar's POV

Later me and Dani took what we found and took them to the car and went back to the mall to meet up with the rest of the girls.

"The week is honestly dragging." I joked as I was walking with Selena, Katherine, Ella, Danielle, and Mary in the mall. We decided we'd have girls day while the boys have a boys day. 

"I can't wait for spring break." Katherine giggled.

"Hey Katherine?" Selena said.

"Yeah?" Katherine replied.

"You never did tell us when you dated Chris." Selena replied.

"It's not a big deal. We only dated a month in freshman year in high school." Katherine replied as Ella giggled.

"What's so funny?" Mary asked.

"Chris was a weirdo. He was really sensitive to everything Katherine said and suffocated her." Ella answered.

"I guess he changed into a ruthless gambler." I shrugged.

"He's not ruthless or scary." Katherine laughed.

"He's a wimp. Always has been." Ella replied.

"Always will be." Katherine added.

"Just like Justin?" Selena joined in laughing which made everyone laugh.

"Exactly." Ella answered.

"The sad thing is the rest of NSYNC isn't that bad. They're decent people who we still consider friends." Katherine sighed.

"Then why don't they just quit?" I asked.

"Sadly it's not that simple. Their contract won't allow it." Katherine answered.

"Maybe we should talk about more upbeat things." I suggested.

"Yeah." Mary agreed.

"Which reminds me... remember the sleepover we had and I mentioned you and Selena both kissed Brian?" I asked smirking.

"What about it?" Selena asked.

"I forgot to mention you both kissed Nick too. Yes, even though you and Nick weren't meant to be you still dated." I teased Mary still smirking which made her laugh.

"That's right." Selena giggled.

"You two are weird friends that's for sure." Katherine teased Selena and Mary.

"Well thank you." Mary joked hugging Selena as they both laughed which made everyone laugh.



"Are you kidding? I'd love to help you." I assured Nick.

"Really?" Nick asked smiling.

"Of course. Anything for Selena." I answered.

"We'll all help." Howie chipped in.

"That's what friends are for." Kevin agreed.

"Maybe while we're driving. Kevin could lie and say the gas is almost empty and park near a beach and while he gets gas you make your move while you're walking barefoot on sand." Brian suggested.

"Dang, B-Rok that's romantic." I said.

"Good idea." Kevin winked.

"You think so?" Nick asked.

"Sure." I beamed.

"We just need to be smart about it." Kevin said.

"Don't make it too suspicious otherwise the girls will know something's up." I added.

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