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Devin's POV

Dani looked stunning underneath the shade of the trees surroundings us. I had the best view if you ask me. I don't know how I never noticed her like this before. Maybe because we've just gotten to know each other.

She giggled at the fact we were on the grass from the fall we took. I gave her a smile and leaned in, kissing her on the lips making her laughter fade away. I could sense she was shocked but she kissed back which made me happy to know she didn't reject me.

"Sorry!" I said breaking away.

"Don't be.... I liked it." She gleamed with a shy smile.


Mary's POV

"I'm gonna go see what's happening with them." I said to Nick pointing at Kevin, Howie, Katherine and Ella. Nick nodded and I left.

As I approached I could already hear they were in the middle of some argument.

"Alright fine. Why don't we settle this on stage. In a singing battle." Justin suggested looking angry.

"Open your eyes, there's no stage dummy." Katherine said annoyed.

"Your band against mine." Justin glared at her ignoring her comment and faced Kevin.

"Deal." Kevin gave him one last glare before gathering the rest of the guys and informing them on what was about to happen.

"They're going down." Aj smirked confidently.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet." Skylar warned.

"You don't have faith in me?" He gasped.

"Of course I do. But I have a feeling he may try to cause some kind of disaster while your guys performance." Skylar confessed.

"Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on him." I said pointing to the girls.

"We've got your backs." Selena reassured.

"I volunteer to tackle him if he tries anything." Skylar blurted making us laugh.

"I'll rather have you enjoy the show." Aj winked at her making her blush.

A few group of people started to bring in some karaoke microphones and speakers for the sound and music. We couldn't fit an entire stage in here or equipment like they do on stage so this would have to do.

"We'll be going first." Justin fake smiled.

"You know what they say, first the worst." Katherine spat at him. Justin shot her a death glare before going up to the his band members ready to perform.

Justin nodded at the person in charged of the sound and music. The music started to play and soon he began to sing..

"You're all I ever wanted,
you're all I ever needed, yeah
So tell me what to do now
"Cause I want you back"

They started to do a dance while the music was in the background before they broke out into their next lines.

"It's hard to say I'm sorry
It's hard to make the things I did undone
A lesson I've learned too well, for sure
So don't hang up the phone now
I'm trying to figure out just what to do
I'm going crazy without you

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