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Mary's POV

I was laying on my bean bag next to the window looking out. I was trying to decide how to break the news to the guys about me leaving to the other side of the world with Devin to film a movie.

Part of me didn't want to go anymore and I'm glad Devin and I already talked about it and decided not to go. We couldn't possibly gain enough money for an airplane ticket. And the ride would be way too long for both of us.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my door. I stopped the music and went to open it to reveal Brian standing there.

"Hey." I murmured.

"Hi." He gleamed.

"What are you so happy about?" I let him inside and half closed the door.

"Just seeing you makes me happy." He shrugged. "But I wanna know about this 'letter' you were hiding." He did quotation marks.

I sighed going over to my bed and motioned for him to sit beside me.

"It's not that big of a deal..... I think? Anyway, you see, Devin got us into this movie that we could be actors in but it was on the other side of the world." I explained and he nodded his head understanding.

"But we decided not to go after all. It's expensive and way too long. And if we did end up going, I would've told you guys sooner." I finished.

"So why did it take so long to say anything?" Brian asked.

"Because I was still debating whether it was a good idea to go or not." I replied.

He shook his head being understanding about it.

"Hey what's up with Dani and your friend.....Derek, was it?" Brian asked.

"Devin." I laughed as I corrected him.

"And I don't know. I left them alone when I came up here, and I don't know what happened after." I shrugged.

I heard what sounded like Nick's voice coming up the stairs and into a room. Him and the rest of the guys must have returned by now with Selena. I had to see her.

"I'm going to talk to Selena, sorry I have to leave you alone." I apologized.

"Don't worry about me. Go." He gave me an encouraging smile.

I walked out and over to Selena's room. The door was fully opened so I walked in.

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