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Danielle's POV

Devin brought me and Amelia to the zoo. He said it would be fun for Amelia and to take us on a fun day. But he also wanted to spend time together.

"Look at the elephants." Amelia squealed at the view.

"Wanna ride one?" Devin asked her.

"Can you do that?" I asked.

"You can. Let's go it'll be fun." Devin said. We walked to where the elephant's were and there wasn't a line to ride the elephants so we could easily get there.

"An adult must ride with her." The worker said.

"You go. I'll take a video of you two so you can have a memory to remember this day." Devin said.

I thanked him and walked with Amelia. The worker helped us both get on top and told us to just stay steady and the elephant would do the rest. They were trained to do this.

As we were passing by where Devin was standing Amelia shouted out to him and waved at the camera. I laughed and waved along with her. The ride was actually quite fun and I know Amelia liked it.

After we got off we walked some more and saw all the other animals that the zoo had. There was also an aquarium so we went there too to see underwater creatures.

"It's so dark in here." Amelia said holding onto Devin.

"Don't worry, we're both here and it's only fishes." Devin reassured her."

"And sharks and octopuses and squids and the ones that sting you." Amelia blurted looking up at Devin. I giggled.

"We won't let them get to you." I chuckled. She held onto my hand with her right arm and with her left arm she held onto Devin's hand.

We took some photos and videos while in the aquarium. Despite Amelia freaking out a little bit in the beginning she had a great time and was excited to see all the different varieties of fishes there were.

"Can we take a photo there." Amelia pointed at a nearby photo booth that was decorated to look like you were underwater

"Of course." Devin replied.

She ran to it and sat in the middle. Devin and I sat on each side of her. There was a timer and before it ended I motioned to Devin to hug Amelia as well as me. The flash went off meaning the photo was taken so we then got  out to grab the photo.

Amelia was in the middle widely smiling as me and Devin both gave her a bear hug. We were smiling too of course. I would definitely put this somewhere back home.

"Can we go eat something? I'm starving." Amelia said to both of us and we agreed.

We went to a food court that was outside and took some time to decide what we would eat.

"I'll go get the food, you guys stay here." Devin said.

"I wanna help." I replied.

"Don't worry about it I got this." Devin insisted.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course. Just stay here and save us a table." He said.

"But I wanna help. You can't possibly bring food for three with only two hands." I chuckled.

"You princesses stay and the prince will save you with food." Devin joked. I raised an eyebrow at his nicknames and giggled.

"When I grow up I want somebody to love me like Devin loves you Dani." Amelia giggled.

I looked at Devin and he gave me a smirk. I kneeled down to meet her eyes.

"One day when you're older, you'll find your own little prince who will love you endlessly." I smiled at her.

"We'll live in a magical castle." She added and I chuckled nodding my head.

"And we'll live happily ever after!" She blurted.

"Happily ever after." I repeated with a warm smile.

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