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Mary's POV

I went up to Nick who was chatting with Devin eating cupcakes. I'm guessing Devin was able to contain his inner fan girl and make friends with them.

In fact, he didn't know them... not until he met me. Devin became an instant fan once he heard a few songs. And I'm glad he did because they're my best friends and Devin's become like a best friend to me.

"Excuse me Devin, I gotta steal Nick for a while." I linked arms with Nick and took him into the kitchen away from everyone else.

"Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?" Nick sounded nervous.

"No?" I gave him a weird look. "Anyways look, I know we're basically still together as you know.... girlfriend and boyfriend." I felt awkward just saying that for some reason.

Maybe because me and Nick had a brother-sister like relationship. And I missed that. A lot. And I really want that to come back.

"About that.... I have something to say." Nick looked at the floor. "You see Mary.... I love you, but only has a best friend..... a sister. And when I asked you out, I thought I loved you romantically, but then I figured out that it was only a crush."

"I didn't know how to tell you that I wanted to break up. All the times we had a phone call I hesitated to tell you because I know how much you missed us and I know you were sad about it and felt alone. I wasn't sure if you actually liked me in that way and I thought if you did.... I didn't want you to get hurt." He continued.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I love you as my brother too Nick. And I understand what you mean." I gave him a comforting smile.

"So we're over?" He looked up at me.

I shook my head yes.

"Oh thank god it's over." He sighed in relief.

"I mean no offense... I just really miss our sibling relationship you know."

I laughed at him. "I do too."

Well that went easier than I thought it would have.

We gave each other a hug and went back to the others who were now all together in the couch ready to watch a movie. Considering Aj and Howie were arguing about which genre to pick, it wasn't going so well.

"The lovebirds return." Howie joked as he saw us coming in.

Me and Nick looked at each other and bursted out laughing. Everyone looked at us giving us weird looks.

"I do love my brother." I said while still laughing. "And I love my sister too." Nick said after.

They all looked at each other sharing confused glances.

"Congrats on the breakup, I knew your guys "relationship" wasn't going to last." Aj blurted.

"Or meant to be." Howie added.

"Thanks..." Nick awkwardly replied and went to sit next to Selena while I went over to Kevin.

"Please put a horror film." I whispered to Kevin. He nodded his head with a smirk and played a scary looking movie that was on Netflix. I quickly turned off all the lights leaving the tv screen be our only light.

"Not a scary movie." I heard Howie complain to Aj. But it was too late as it started to play.


Brian's POV

All the lights were turned off so I thought everyone went to sleep.. but I was wrong. They were bunched up in the couch watching a horror movie, guessing from the creepy music being played.

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