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Selena's POV

Game night was really fun and the time passed faster than we could count. Nick and I went to our room and we were cuddling on the bed.

"I like the idea." I murmured as he traced lines on my back.

"What idea?" Nick asked chuckling.

"Waiting to get married after college. That way you do your tour, we can focus on school then focus on the plans. There won't be too much stress on us or pressure." I explained.

"The wedding will be too stressful?" He teased.

"No, planning it will be." I laughed.

"I know." He replied grinning.

"Remember the last time we put too much pressure on ourselves?" I asked.

"When was that?" He asked.

"Chris, you getting jealous, lying about it while it stressed me out, not trusting you, constantly fighting, that break we took. Well... we needed that but before we got together I went to the bathroom then me being kidnapped." I reminded him fast.

"Right." He whispered.

"I'm just saying we're two people who can't handle too much stress well." I replied.

"We're completely different from one another." He said.

"But the same." I smiled.

"Exactly." He agreed as he kissed me softly. I kissed back and then I pulled away.

"You're my right arm." I whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"My right arm." I repeated smiling.

"But you--"

"Instead of using the terms soulmate or better half, I've always used right arm. I knew one day I'd find my right arm and honestly... he's you." I explained. Nick's eyes widened as he blushed smiling. I giggled and kissed him again.

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