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Brian's POV

"Hey Nick." I greeted him coming into the kitchen.

"What's up." Nick said looking over at me.

"There's something I want to talk about." I said.

"What is it?" Nick asked.

"Valentines is this Friday.. and--" I hesitated for a moment.

"And?" Nick raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm uh... going to propose--" I didn't finish my sentence because Nick cut me off.

"What?" He said shocked and really loud.

"Don't be too loud." I shushed him and he gave me a smirk.

"Is it who I think it is?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"It is." I chuckled. "But what if it's too soon?" I frowned. Nick sighed looking away for a moment and then back at me.

"I'd say go for it. You two have loved each other since we were kids and you know it. I know with not a single doubt that she'll say yes because she loves you just as much as you love her. You guys are perfect for each other." Nick encouraged.

"You have a good point, thanks for the support." I said.

"Does anyone else know?" Nick asked.

"No, just you. But I need to tell Skylar too because I need her to figure out something for me." I explained.

"Figure what out?" Skylar said coming in.

"Speaking of her, here she is." Nick chuckled.

"So you gonna tell me?" Skylar asked.

I explained everything to her of what I wanted to do and I told her that I needed her to help figure out what ring size Mary was so I could get her the perfect ring that would fit.

"Don't worry Brian, consider it mission accomplished." She joked.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Well if I wanna catch up to her before she's out from her job I need to go now. And.. congrats I'm proud and happy for you two." She gave me a smile and then left.


Mary's POV

"Good to see you sister." I heard Skylar's voice as I came out of the diner with Devin behind.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking at her. She was sitting on a bench that was just outside.

"I wanted to take you shopping." She replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"To spend time with each other. Just us sisters." She shrugged.

"Well I'm down for that." I said.

"I'll leave you two alone then. Have fun." Devin said waving goodbye and walking to his car.

"I also need your opinion on what to get AJ for Valentines Day." Skylar said standing up.

"Right, it's this Friday." I chuckled and we both walked to her car.

After a short ride we made it to the mall. There wasn't many people which I was surprised because usually people are shopping for Valentines Day this time around.

"Ok first, I say we find each other outfits for Friday." She clapped her hands.

"You and Dani would make it big in the fashion world." I chuckled.

"Maybe some day." She replied.

We walked into a clothes store and started to look around. Then we went to other shops to see what was around and looked in there too and it felt like it took years for just two outfits. But it was worth it, we now have something to wear and can't say we can't find anything to put on.

"Hey lets go in here." Skylar said walking into a jewellery store. I followed behind her and started to look around.

"You getting AJ a gift from here?" I asked.

"Nope. Just wanted to look around." She shrugged. I nodded my head and continued looking at the jewellery for a little bit.

"Mary, come over here." Skylar motioned towards her so I went to her.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's measure what size of ring you are." She smiled.

"For what?" I chuckled.

"Well, maybe if I ever want to get you a ring I know what ring size you are." She explained.

"It wouldn't kill to know." I shrugged and agreed.

After that we went back to shopping for a little while longer and then went back home.

"This Valentines is going to be amazing." Skylar said sitting on the couch.

"You and AJ have something special planned?" I teased her.

"We've decided to stay home and just spend time with each other. We don't need to go to some fancy restaurant or spend money to make us happy. We just love each other's company and that's more then we could ask for. And we're going to bake some cookies which will be fun and I can't wait for." Skylar smiled happily.

"But I was talking about yours." She added.

"I don't know if Brian wants to do anything." I shrugged and gave her a confused look.

"Trust your sister Mary, you're gonna love it." She smiled.

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