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Selena POV

"Where am I?" I mumbled softly as I slowly opened my eyes as something came off my eyes. I heard whispers and felt my left arm get tied up.

"Not too tight!" A familiar voice demanded. It sounded familiar. Was it Chris? It was still blurry, a little, as I batted my eyes and saw him. It was Chris.

I was scared.

"Chris?" I softly said.

"We can't let her go." Another voice argued back. He looked familiar. Wait... Justin? I gasped in horror.

"W-What's going on?" I asked.

"Shush!" Justin demanded.

"Chris, what are you doing to me?" I asked shaking back and forth.

"Quit it!" Justin demanded.

"Where's my money?" Chris asked.

"Money?" I repeated in a whisper.

"Here's your thousand dollar reward. Good job setting up tension. At some point they'll notice she's gone and it'll ruin their precious concert." Justin chuckled giving Chris his money.

"What?" I gasped.

"Oh... you really thought we'd still be friends? How cute." Chris laughed patting my head like a dog.

"Why?" I asked tearing up.

"For the money." Chris answered bluntly.

"You never changed." I cried.

"You're no longer my concern." Chris said and left.

I looked back at Justin and he was smiling. Not a caring smile. But it was evil. He was awful.

"You're sick." I cried.

"Oh honey," He smirked as he got down on his knee and touched my chin pulling my face up. "This is part of the plan. But don't worry you'll be free in no time. We just need to ruin your boyfriend's concert." He replied.

"Why me?" My question turned into a desperate whisper.

"Because you're weak. Physically and mentally. Look at you. You are the easiest target. I didn't expect this to be as easy as it was, I admit. I'm proud of myself." He bragged getting up.

"I'm not weak." I mumbled.

"Yes you are. You only have one hand to defend yourself with and yet that protection is gone. And maybe they won't notice or care." He sighed.

"If you're so worried about that how are you going to ruin the concert?" I laughed uncomfortably.

"I'll think of something." He answered.

"What are you gonna do with me then?" I asked.

"That's enough questions for today." He demanded.

"I'm not weak." I repeated in a whisper.

"Then why are you here... in this van?" He asked.

"Because you're a monster!" I screamed.

"Quiet! Or else I tape your mouth shut, got it?" He warned.

"They will care, but your plan will be meaningless. Think about it. You both have fans. If your fans found about this your stupid band is history. When they think of your band they'll remember you and then remember this event. You wouldn't be famous anymore." I taunted.

"Nobody will find out about this, you hear?" He asked.

"Why's that?" I taunted more.

"If you threaten to tell I won't let you go." He warned.

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