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Danielle's POV

It has been two months since I started talking to Devin. He is the sweetest person I have ever met. I have slowly gotten over Brian.

Brian always told me life puts certain people in our lives for a reason while we were dating. I think his purpose in my life was to assure me that I'm worth loving.

When I remember a time while we were dating I don't flinch or feel pain. I just smile. When I met him I was dead inside. But he brought me back to life. He taught me how to love. So when I meet somebody I truly love that person. And for that I am forever grateful.

"Hey Dani, wanna come with me and help Nick?" Devin said bringing me back to reality.

"Help Nick?" I asked confused.

"He called me saying he got a flat tire, everyone else is busy and I know how to change a tire." Devin informed. I nodded my head agreeing and we both left.


Kevin's POV

"Katherine, why did you and Justin break up?" I asked curiously.

"He was self centered and I was just over it." Katherine replied.

I was really into her and she was into me too. We had started dating a month ago and we have been really happy. I had a special gift for her Christmas.


Selena's POV

Brian, AJ, and I decided to go Christmas shopping together. But we saw Justin from that stupid band ahead of us. He was with his girlfriend Britney but she then went inside a store and Justin waited outside.

"Hey look, Skylar might like those." AJ pointed at a store that had earnings next to the window. We all looked at them in awe. But then someone bumped into AJ ruining the moment.

"Watch where you're going." AJ spat.

"Watch where you're standing." Justin shot back.

"We're not looking for problems so just keep walking man." Brian said shaking his head.

"Just go." I rolled my eyes. All we wanted was to do Christmas shopping and have a good time not have it ruined by some jerk.

"Listen grinch, why don't you just go back where you came from and don't cause us any trouble." AJ said annoyed and that made Justin give him a death glare.

"You, your girlfriend, your band and that one armed freak are wannabes." Justin bickered.

I looked at AJ. I could sense he got really angry at Justin because next thing you know... AJ threw a fist punch at Justin. That triggered Justin and made him hit back. Brian tried to stop AJ but he wasn't able to. People around us started to stop and look at what was happening.

A security guard then came running and tried to stop the fight. He called for backup and then the police started to show up.

Two policemen separated AJ and Justin. They handcuffed them as well as me and Brian which I don't know why, we weren't part of it, we were just there. Then they walked all of us outside the mall still handcuffed and took us into a police car. I gave Brian and AJ a fearful look as the car started to drive away. We were going to jail.


Co A.N

Hey guys! Tbh I am still going through some stuff. But I love writing and using what I love for it to help heal. However Christmas is coming up. Once we are both on break we will take another break till we are back in school. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

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