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Mary's POV

I was finishing up on getting ready for the date and then headed downstairs where Nick was waiting on the couch.

"Niiiiiick." I said walking down the stairs.

"Maaaryyy." Nick responded making me chuckle.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup." He replied.

We walked outside to his car and got in. He started to drive and then handed me a blindfold.

"What's this for?" I asked confused.

"It's a surprise where I'm taking you and I don't want you to see until we get there." He smirked.

"I trust you with my life." I shrugged and put the blindfold on.

After a few minutes of driving we arrived at the destination. I still had no idea where we were considering I had a blindfold and Nick wanted it to be a surprise which I was excited about.

"Wait here." He said turning off the car.

He got out the car and came to my side of the door. He opened it and offered me his hand. I took it and carefully got out.

"Just hold my hand, don't worry I won't let you fall or anything happen to you." Nick said walking me to wherever he was taking me.

"Can I take this off?" I chuckled.

"In a few seconds. There's two stairs right here." He directed me onto something.

"Ready to fly." A mans voice said.

"Fly? Where are we?" I asked.

Suddenly I felt the ground shake, it startled me and I almost fell but Nick managed to catch me.

"I got you." He chuckled.

"Nick, where are we?" I said.

"Here, let me show you." He took the blindfold off of me and when I opened my eyes we were flying up high to the sky. I gasped in shock.

"A hot air balloon!" I said in excitement.

"That's right. I wanted to do something we hadn't done." Nick replied.

"I love it. It looks so beautiful from up here." I said looking at the view in awe.

"Being on one of these was something we wanted to do in middle school remember? Well now we can check that off." Nick said with a proud smile.

"How could I forget?" I giggled.

"I managed to convince Howie to let me use his camera." Nick pulled out Howie's instant camera showing it to me.

"I was thinking of taking a photo together and adding it to his Wall of Memories." He chuckled.

"The blindfold didn't ruin my mascara did it?" I asked.

"No and you look beautiful no matter what." He chuckled.

Nick asked the guy who was in charge of the balloon to take a photo of us. Nick made a silly face and threw one arm around my shoulder. I made a silly face too along with him. Once it was taken we bursted out laughing and the man gave us the camera back.

"Now this is definitely going on the wall." Nick said and I nodded agreeing with him. He put the camera away as well as the photo.

I looked back at him and gave him a smile which he returned. He pulled me closer to him giving me a bear hug.

"Oh?" I chuckled hugging back.

"If we're going to be a couple for a day, might as well act like one." He explained with a chuckle. I nodded and giggled.

We then looked back at the view and enjoyed it while it lasted before we went back down.


After we got off the hot air balloon, Nick brought me to an ice cream shop. We both got the ice creams on cones and went outside to a nearby park and sat on the grass. His back was leaned on a tree and I sat next to him.

"I can't believe cookies and cream is still your favourite." Nick chuckled.

"It's so good." I replied.

"Not as good as cookie dough." He smirked and licked his ice cream.

"They're both good, we just have our differences on which one is our favourite." I giggled and he laughed along. We stayed in silence until we finished our ice cream.

I placed my head on his shoulders and sighed looking at the view in front of us.

"I missed this." Nick sighed.

"Miss what?" I asked looking at him.

"Hanging out. Like the good old times." He shrugged.

"We can always hang out together another time. It doesn't have to be just us two. Us and the others hanged out all the time and we still had fun." I said.

"You're right." Nick nodded.

"I know." I teased with a laugh at the end. Nick stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he helped me stand up.

"I have one more place to go before our date ends." Nick beamed.

"Where to?" I asked curious.

"You'll love it." He simply said.


"For you my lady." Nick said in an accent and handed me a teddy bear that he won.

"Why thank you." I mimicked the accent giving him a smile and grabbed the bear.

"What are you going to name it?" He asked.

"Hmmm. I'll name him Nicky, after you." I replied.

"I'm honoured." Nick smiled.

We played a few games the arcade had and it was so much fun. When we were in middle school me, Nick, Kevin, Brian, Howie, AJ and Skylar would come to the arcade on weekends. It was our hangout spot. And it brought many memories back.

"Oh yeah." Nick laughed.

"What?" I asked confused furrowing my eyebrows.

"Remember when we used to be so competitive on Just Dance?" He chuckled pointing to the big screen that showed the dance moves and had a dancing mat with arrows on the floor.

"I was the best." I replied.

"I think we both know it was me." Nick gave me a playful wink.

"Is that a challenge?" I raised an eyebrow.

"May the best dancer win." He teased.

We both bursted out laughing and went up to the game. Once we chose a song we got ready and started to dance along.

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