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Mary's POV

Two weeks later

"So I was thinking.. we should do more fun things before we go back to tour." Howie said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Visiting Selena!" AJ yelled from outside my room.

"Are you eavesdropping AJ?" I laughed.

"I miss Selena." AJ came into my room with a frown on his face.

"This again." Skylar playfully rolled her eyes. "She'll be back soon." She chuckled.

"You're right." AJ sighed. "Ready for our date?" Skylar asked. AJ smiled at her and nodded. Soon they both left on their date.

"I should go too. Kevin and I are double dating with Ella and Katherine." Howie said and said goodbye before leaving.

I sighed laying my back next to my bed. Milo came in the room and let out a soft meow walking towards me. I smiled at him and started to pet his head.

"I already fed him. He has a lot of energy for such a small kitten." Brian chuckled walking in.

"You think he'll like the outdoors? We could take him to the backyard and have him take out all his energy there." I chuckled looking back at Milo who was now playing with one of his toys.

"As long as he doesn't jump the fence." Brian said. I nodded my head.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Brian asked.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Anything you want to watch." He answered.

"Then yeah." I nodded my head in agreement.

We walked to the living room and Brian turned on the tv putting on a scary movie. Milo followed us and once we were comfy on the couch he came and layed next to me.



The break took a little longer than it was going to be and I'm sorry about that... but we're back and will be updating again.

I hope you had an amazing Christmas and a New Year!

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