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Selena's POV

I sat in the passengers seat in Brian's car. Every time I looked at Brian I caught him smiling. As if he were hiding something from me. But every time he caught me he shrugged. Why is he acting so weird?

I noticed the surroundings were unfamiliar. I guess it's because I'm still new in town, sorta. But something told me this was more than a formal. Like, Brian is only telling half the truth or something. I didn't think formals were so far from campus. Maybe I'm wrong? I thought to myself.

"Brian?" I murmured softly looking at him again.

"Yeah?" Brian replied.

"How is a formal this far away from campus?" I was half joking.

"Uhh... I'm not sure." Brian answered sounding a bit nervous.

"Are we close?" I asked.

He parked the car and got out. I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. Brian opened my door and offered his hand. I hesitated for a moment. I then took it.

"It's peaceful out here, isn't it?" Brian asked as he walked with me still holding my hand.

"Yeah... it's beautiful here. Are we early?" I asked.

"Nope." Brian replied popping the p. "We're right on time." He finished letting me go. I saw rose petals in a neat row and giggled.

"What is going on?" I chuckled blushing.

"You'll find out but I gotta go." Brian said turning from me.

"Wait you just can't leave me here alone!" I called out.

"Just follow the petals." He called back not facing me as he slowly disappeared from my view.

I sighed softly in annoyance. After everything between us he can't leave me alone. I chuckled uncomfortably as I turned facing the petals and followed every single one. I then got on top of a hill and looked down seeing Nick in a meadow. There was a picnic and a wireless radio beside him. He saw me and smiled. He walked all the way to the top and picked me up like a baby. I laughed a little.

"What are you doing?" I asked giggling as we got down the hill.

"Making sure you don't fall." Nick answered chuckling.

We reached the bottom and he set me down on my feet. He took my hand and led me to the picnic.

"What's all of this?" I asked a bit shocked and amazed.

"A date." Nicked replied instantly.

"A date?" I repeated confused.

"Yes. It's ours. We didn't get a chance to have one since the accident and the whole awkward thing with you and Brian." Nick reminded me.

"Right." I mumbled. He sat me down and we started eating and listening to romantic music. We laughed and talk for what seemed like forever. Like the night we met. We talked about how AJ and Brian helped. We were laughing about how annoyed I got at Brian for leaving me with the trail of petals. Nick said he heard us yelling and laughed. But now I understand why. Everything made sense.

"I never felt this way with anyone before I met you. Not even with Mary." Nick confessed.

"Felt like what?" I asked.

"I've never been in love before." Nick answered.

I couldn't say anything for a moment. I needed to process everything. Was this his way of telling me he loves me? No. It can't be. No guy has ever been in love with me. "Nick, what are you saying?" I asked.

"Selena, I," He paused taking a deep breath not looking at me and letting it out. "I"m in love with you." He confessed looking back at me.

"I'm in love with you too, Nick." I confessed as I shed a tear of happiness.

"I"m glad because I also was hoping that maybe you'd still like to be my girlfriend. I know Brian and Mary are still working on it. But I'm ready for us. I know it's crazy. But Selena... I can't imagine my life without you."

"I feel the same way, Nick."

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Nick asked as he pulled out a rose from the picnic box.

I nodded without thinking about it as I took the rose and kissed him. It was our first kiss. I had so many emotions. Shock, happiness, overjoyed, in love.

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