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Brian's POV

I sat there wondering why Mary and Selena fought. I mean I know Mary kept a secret letter from everyone. I felt sorry for Selena since she fell. But I had to know what Mary was hiding.

"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Mary." I said.

"Okay." Howie replied.

"Keep me updated on Selena." I asked Kevin.

"I will." Kevin assured me.

I walked out the hospital confused, sad but curious.


Selena's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Nick and AJ on each side of my bed. I couldn't help but smile. I like Nick and was happy he was there. AJ slowly became like a brother to me and I'd like to think we were best friends.

Yes, we barely knew each other. But we clicked instantly. And the other day I met Skylar, his girlfriend. She was so sweet and kind. I told her about myself and my condition and she understood me. So I was happy I had an instant connection.

AJ and Nick were the only ones in the house who I trusted the most to be by my side and help me. I barely knew Brian but he was nice. Kevin and Howie were fun and cool but I still haven't really trusted them yet.

"How are you feeling Small Fry?" AJ asked. He looked worried and sad. Was he that worried about me?

"I'm much better now that you're both here." I answered giving them a warm smile.

"I was so worried about you. I almost completely blame myself. I wasn't there for you and I was at the mall feeling sorry for myself because you didn't show up." Nick said as he shed a tear.

"Nick this isn't your fault. You had no idea this would happen. My right leg hurts a little but I feel fine." I assured him as I squeezed his hand.  He smiled a little and squeezed back.

"There was something I wanted to tell you there and I was so excited to meet up." I said.

"I did too." Nick replied.

"I'll leave you two alone. Need anything?" AJ asked me.

"Pudding please." I said giggling.

"Vanilla?" AJ asked.

I nodded and he left. I faced Nick again

"Should I go first?" I asked.

"Mind if I go first?" Nick asked. I nodded my head in approval.

"Selena— I know we barely know each other but I really like getting to know you. You are sweet and kind. You're funny and make me laugh. You're so adorable that it seems impossible that something so adorable exists. You're beautiful in every way possible inside and out. I like you, Selena." Nick confessed.

"But I don't deserve you." I replied looking down.

"Are you kidding me? You're perfect. I want to go on a date with you. I want to kiss you. I want to be somewhere romantic wooing you. Not in a hospital, really." Nick chuckled.

I laughed feeling my face go red. "I like you too." I confessed.

Nick smiled widely for a moment then sighed giving me a hopeful smile.

"But I just broke up with Mary not long ago. I want to take things slow with you. I don't want to ruin this. I wanna go on dates with you and kiss you still but it's not a good idea to be official right now. It's not fair to Mary, she 's taking things slow with Brian and I owe it to her to do the same."

"It's also not fair to you. You're not a rebound. I just don't want you to feel that way. Cuz, you're not. Can we take things slow?" Nick asked awkwardly.

I nodded and understood. "Yeah we can."

"I'm glad." Nick replied smiling.

"Where's Mary? I need to apologize." I asked frowning and looking down ashamed.

It wasn't her fault I fell. It wasn't mine either. But I pushed her to her limit. I realized she was telling the truth. She would tell them. On her own time. Not mine.

"She went home. I kinda got mad at her." Nick sighed.

"Oh. It's okay." I said in a mumble.

"Why do you need to apologize?" Nick asked.

"I pressured her into telling you guys—the truth. But I can't tell you it's not my place. Besides, I should've taken a minute to think about it. She's going to tell you. On her own time." I assured him.

"Oh. I understand that you can't tell me." Nick replied.

"Thanks." I said giving him a hopeful smile.

"It's just—you didn't deserve to be called that." Nick groaned.

"I forgive her. You should too. If not for her, for me?" I pleaded. He sighed in defeat and nodded.


Danielle's POV

Devin and I talked for what seemed like forever. He was funny and charming. I hadn't really smiled and laughed since Brian and I broke up. I'm still hung up on him. But Brian's happy with Mary. And Devin was honestly kinda cute.

We heard the door open and then we saw Brian  come in.

"Hey." I said in a mumble.

"Hey where's Mary?" Brian asked.

"Upstairs." Devin and I said at the same exact time. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay well I gotta go now..." Brian awkwardly said going upstairs.

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