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Selena's POV

I was finally happy that Brian and I moved on with the entire drama. We realised how petty and stupid it was. Mary and I were already on good terms and Nick and AJ could talk to her without rolling their eyes at her and mumbling under their breath.

I wonder why it took Brian and I forever if we were cool with everyone else. Kevin and Howie were the only ones who didn't have drama. I felt bad for them for dealing with it. But now we all laugh about it and I'm sure maybe in twenty years or so, if we're still close we'll still be laughing about it.


I woke up and yawned. I got up and found my casual pink, laced on the bottom dress and got my socks and shoes on. I felt like having a ponytail but I had a hard time and couldn't do it myself. I put in onto my hand like a bracelet and went down stairs hoping to find AJ and see if he could help.

"What's that amazing smell?" I asked smiling.

"Waffles." Howie answered smiling back at me.

I had noticed everyone including Devin and Danielle were sitting down at the table. The only empty seat was mine. I was surprised Danielle was here. I was aware about the whole love triangle thing with Brian, Danielle and Mary. I heard stories where ever since Brian and Mary had their first kiss, Danielle was cold towards her. But I also knew why. She didn't want to be alone again. I felt bad for her but at least she had Devin to talk to.

"Hey Small Fry." AJ greeted me taking my hand to lead me to my chair. I pulled away laughing.

"What?" AJ said confused.

"I need help." I admitted extending my arm showing my scrunchie.

"Bun or ponytail?" AJ asked taking it off of me and pulling my hair behind me.

"Ponytail." I answered. AJ put my hair into a ponytail. He took me to my spot and pushed me in my chair. "Thanks." I replied as AJ went back to his seat.

"Need help with your plate?" Nick asked. I nodded yes.

I didn't really need the help. But I know how sweet and caring Nick is. I know he likes me. Or loved me as Brian put it. I am not really sure which one I should believe. Either way I could accept it and still be happy. I had realized I was in love with him after Brian pointed it out.

Nick handed me my plate with waffles and syrup and sat at a chair beside mine. I felt myself blushing and looking away.

"When are you gonna be a couple yet already?" Brian asked.

"When Nick's ready." I answered.

"Actually Selena I--" I heard Nick say. I faced him and smiled.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Never mind." Nick said looking down. I frowned and looked at AJ. He shook his head but gave me a warm smile.

"What brings you here, Dani?" Mary asked.

"You said it was important." Brian added.

I saw Brian smile. I knew he cared about Danielle even after they broke up. I knew he was happy for her. I knew Mary and Brian were going slow since they didn't want to rush anything, especially with what happened in the past.

"Well... Devin and I have gone out to our first date I guess you can say.....  we aren't official yet but we're taking things slow." Danielle answered.

"And we thought we'd let you two know.. as well as everyone else." Devin looked at Mary and Brian then at everyone else.

"I hope the best for you both." Mary answered with a smile and Brian agreed.


Nicks's POV

I had a study hall break and texted AJ to meet me. I needed to talk to him about Selena. Lately  I felt different with her. A good different. But it was the feeling that I couldn't live without her. Like I needed her in my life forever. I knew I liked her. But what if it was more? I saw AJ with Brian walking towards me.

"Hope you don't mind I brought him. He said he and Selena are best friend now. And your text said it was about her. So spill." AJ said as they both sat  down with me on a random bench.

"No, I don't. I'm glad you're here Brian." I said as I smiled a little.

"What's the matter?" AJ asked.

"I'm so confused with my emotions. When I met her it was simple. I had butterflies in my stomach and I could talk to her about anything. But now it's like..... I can't imagine my life without her. I tried and I can't. It's meaningless and depressing." I explained.

"Nick, don't you see?" Brian asked.

"See what?" I asked looking at him.

"Dude, you're in love." AJ answered.

I took a second to process it and realizes I was. I also realized I was ready for a relationship. I want Selena to be my girlfriend now. I am in love.

"Wow... I am in love. And I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend. But we haven't been on a date." I replied.

"Now's your chance. Ask her on a date and tell her there's a surprise."AJ insisted.

"But how? I've never been in love and I'm not a romantic." I sighed looking down.

"We'll help you." AJ said.

"You will?" I asked with a smile and looked up at them.

"Of course Nick." Brian answered.

"Thanks." I replied.

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