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Brian's POV

One week later

I was in Nick's room helping him pack for the trip. I was all done with my packing and he had asked for help so I agreed. We were leaving tomorrow and we wanted to be prepared so we wouldn't rush at the last minute.

"I was thinking about what kind of engagement ring I will get for Selena." Nick whispered looking at me.

"Really?" I whispered back. Nick nodded in response with a wide smile.

"Actually I'm going to get it today after I'm done packing." He whispered back.

"That's great. I'm happy for you both." I whispered.

"Why are you guys whispering?" AJ said in a whisper coming in.

Nick and I shared a look and laughed.

"Just don't want Selena to hear about me proposing to her. It's a surprise." Nick said in his normal voice.

"Right. She's going to be so happy." AJ replied giving him a pat on the back.

"I'm so excited to ask her, I can't wait." Nick cheered.

"Tomorrow's the big day." I said with a smile.

"What big day?" Selena asked walking in.

"N-nothing." Nick quickly said with wide eyes.

"What? You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay?" Selena asked confused.

"I'm perfect." Nick gave her a warm smile.

"I believe you then. But what's the whole big day thing about?" She raised an eyebrow.

Nick opened his mouth to answer but AJ spoke and said, "The road trip. It's tomorrow... and it's a big day we're all looking forward to because it's our first road trip."

"And you should be packing." I blurted.

"I know. And I'm already done and I sleep in this room with Nick so I would have to be here if I wasn't done." Selena giggled.

"Then you should hang with the girls." AJ casually said.

"Mary is still packing and Skylar is making us dinner." Selena explained. "Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" She said.

"Nope. Nothing. Hey, why don't we go out to the park or something?" AJ blurted quickly.

"I'll love to but why?" Selena asked.

"Just for fun." AJ shrugged. He walked up to Selena and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and started to walk out with her but Selena stopped him walking back inside.

"Hold on." Selena giggled. "You're all acting weird." She added.

"We're just a bit nervous. You know, first road trip and all." AJ made a silly face. "Now lets go." He linked his arm with hers and started to walk out but once again Selena stopped him and walked right back.

"You guys can tell me anything." Selena insisted.

"It's really nothing. Just guy stuff." Nick reassured her.

"Yeah. Let AJ be your boyfriend for the day and let him take you out somewhere." I said. Selena laughed at what I said.

"Are you okay with that Nick?" Selena asked.

"Of course I am." Nick answered. "I mean it's not the first time we've switched partners." Nick added with a chuckle.

"Alright let's go, no more questions. It's gonna be fun I promise, it's me we're talking about." AJ cheered putting his hands on her shoulders leading her out the room.

Skylar then walked in.

"Hey Sky, do you know why they're acting weird?" Selena asked. Skylar was about to say something before AJ interrupted.

"Love you Skylar." He said and with that him and Selena were gone.

"What was that about?" Skylar chuckled looking at me and Nick.

We both explained everything to her and she laughed.

"Sounds like AJ really didn't want the surprise to be ruined." She said.

"Yeah and I'm sorry she stole your boyfriend for the day." I apologised.

"Don't be sorry. I'm okay with it and hope they have a good time. Her and AJ are really close and I would never interfere with their friendship." Skylar said.

"Thank you for understanding." Nick thanked her.

"Of course. And I came here to let you guys know that dinner is ready." She informed us.

"Thanks for the food." I said. She nodded in response and left. Nick and I looked at each other and chuckled.

"That was close." Nick let out a deep sigh.

"Next time try not to be so obvious." I laughed.

"Noted." Nick laughed along.

"Anyway, I'm excited for you to break the news to her." I said.

"Me neither. I can't wait." Nick replied excitedly.

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