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Mary's POV

"This is gonna look amazing when it's done." I smiled at our Christmas tree that me and Howie were setting up and placing decorations on.

"Teamwork makes the dream work." Howie joked making us both laugh.

"I'm gonna go get the star to finish it off." Howie said standing up. I nodded and he left.

I was finishing up the last few ornaments that needed to be put on and soon Howie came back with the star. He also brought a chair with him to be able to reach the top.

"Who's putting the star up?" Howie asked.

"You can do it." I said. He nodded and stepped on the chair. He was doing it so dramatically slow like they did in the movies and that made me laugh. He chuckled and then placed it on. He came back down and we both took a step back to see our work done.

"It's missing something." I plugged in the Christmas tree lights and it looked amazing. Howie looked at in awe. But as soon as the lights turned on my phone started to ring. Me and Howie gave each other a look.

"Who's calling you?" He asked. I just shrugged and went to pick my phone up. It was from an unknown number which I thought was kind of strange.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mary! I only have two minutes to talk but I need you to come to pick us up... don't have enough time to explain but we're in jail and please bring money to bail us out." AJ said over the phone really quickly.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why were they in jail? But as much as I'll like to question him about it, he said he didn't have time so I didn't.

"I'll be there soon." I answered. AJ thanked me and then hanged up. Howie gave me a confused look and then informed him about what happened

When we got there Howie and I rushed inside. We both tried to go inside at the same time and we squished each other. We asked about AJ, Selena and Brian and the police officer said we would have to pay a $50 fee to bail them out because it was their first offence..... and they had to be in there for two hours so we had to wait.


Devin's POV

"And... it's done. You got a new tire." I stood up and brushed off the dirt from my hands.

"Thank you so much man." Nick thanked me.

"No problem." I gave him a smile.

"We're always here if you need any help." Dani added. Nick nodded in response and then immediately broke into a smile.

"What are you so smiley about?" Dani asked chuckling. Nick sighed and looked at us.

"It's just.... I've been thinking about Selena and what my Christmas gift to her is going to be. I really can't wait to tell her." Nick said smiling the whole entire time.

"What's it going to be?" Dani asked excitedly.

"I'm going to ask her to officially move in with me in my bedroom." Nick said.

"Aww. I can see you really care about and love her." Dani gave him a smile.

"Thanks Dani.. and I'm glad you found Devin. You know we may not have always gotten along in the past but I'm glad." Nick replied.


Mary's POV

We waited the two hours sitting on the most uncomfortable chairs ever. I was starting to feel numb and I could sense Howie getting really, really..... really bored.

"Howie sit down." I chuckled at him.

"I'm just kinda nervous." He said walking back and forth repeatedly.

"We already bailed them out, we just have to wait two hours. Plus, they should be out soon." I reassured him.

"She's right." Brian said coming out with Selena and AJ following behind. Howie stopped and sighed in relief.

"What happened that got you guys in there?" I asked.

"Justin." Selena simply said.

"What he said got to me and I punched him for it and then he punched back and well, you can guess what happened next." AJ explained.

"What did he say?" Howie asked. "Or not.... maybe it's better you don't." He added. AJ shook his head in agreement.

"Let's just get out of here." Brian sighed. We all shook our heads in agreement and started to leave. Before we got to the door Britney, Justin's girlfriend, came in. She gave us a smile but immediately looked away. Guess she came to bail Justin out.

"Stay out of trouble." The police officer called out before we left.

"Somebody's gotta warn her of how selfish Justin is." AJ mumbled as we got in the car.

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