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Mary's POV

I was woken up by my alarm from my phone and I quickly shut it off. It was 3 in the morning. Kevin said he wanted to leave during the night so we'd get at the hotel in the morning.

I got out of bed and yawned still tired. I heard a groan coming from one of the boys and chuckled. I brushed my teeth and did my hair into a side braid. I changed into some shorts and a hoodie. I put on my shoes and then grabbed my bags and walked downstairs.

"Good morning Mary." Devin said in a raspy voice, probably still a bit sleepy I assumed.

"Devin? How'd you get inside?" I asked placing my bags down.

"Howie let me in." Devin replied.

"We're here too. Devin was nice enough to give us all a ride here." Ella said coming from the kitchen along with Katherine and Danielle.

"I was the first one up." Howie blurted.

We waited in the living room for the others. In the meantime we took our bags to the van and then came back to talk about what we would do once we were at Disneyland.

"Hey guys." A grumpy AJ said coming down the stairs, Skylar following behind him.

"He's grumpy because I had to wake him up from his sleep." Skylar chuckled.

"I need my beauty sleep." AJ fought back.

"You don't need it." Skylar said giving him a bear hug.

"I know." AJ replied. We all laughed.

Soon Nick, Selena, and Brian came and they took their bags into the van.

"Why couldn't we leave at midnight or later in the morning? It's way too early." Katherine spoke.

"Because I wanted to stop by the beach when the sun is rising. Almost like seeing the sunset." Kevin said coming downstairs.

"You want to stop at the beach?" Ella asked.

"Uh well, yeah... just to see the view." Kevin shrugged.

"It'll be a pretty view." Danielle smiled.

"Okay well, lets go before I sleep on the couch." AJ blurted.

We left the house and walked to the van.

"Hey Mary, Milo will be safe and taken well care of by my aunt and younger cousin back at my place." Danielle said to me.

"Thank you Dani, I wouldn't wanna leave him by himself in the house." I gave her a side hug before entering the van.

We all chose our seats we would be sitting at for the next hours that we'll be stuck in the van. AJ was the first to fall asleep at the very back and Skylar cuddled next to him.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Kevin said turning on the engine of the van.

"All ready." Howie said.

We all agreed and cheered. Soon enough we were on the road on our way to our destination.

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