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Mary's POV

An hour later we made it to the hotel. We left our stuff in our rooms and freshened up from the hours we stayed in a van. After that we met up in the room Danielle, Ella, Skylar and Katherine where sharing. We waited there until everyone was ready and then headed to Disneyland.

"So what's the plan?" Katherine asked as we finished going through security.

"I say do whatever each of you want." Kevin spoke.

"I agree." Ella said.

"Go crazy." Nick chuckled.

"The four of us are going to shop in the gift shops." Skylar said pointing at AJ, Devin and Danielle.

"Just don't go insane and buy the entire shops." I laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her from doing that." AJ chuckled.

"Me and Nick are going to the Star Wars area." Selena cheered.

"Mind if me and Mary join you?" Brian asked.

"Not at all." Selena said.

"Great. It'll be fun." I smiled.

"We've just decided to have a double date." Ella spoke.

"It's going to be exciting." Katherine said.

"We'll meet up at the entrance before we leave. If any of you gets lost, text the group chat." Kevin said.

We all nodded in response and said our goodbyes before leaving our separate ways.


Danielle's POV

Me Devin, Skylar and AJ came into a shop to buy Minnie ears.

"I love these." I pointed at blue sparkly ears. Skylar agreed and placed them on me.

"They suit you so well." Skylar beamed.

"You look adorable." Devin added.

"Thank you Devin." I gave him a shy smile.

"Ooh, look at these beauties. I love them already." Skylar took Minnie ears and placed them on her head. They were black with a pink bow on it.

"Pink is definitely your colour." I said looking at her.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"So we came for what you girls wanted

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"So we came for what you girls wanted. What shop's next?" AJ asked.

Skylar and I shared a look and smirked.

"You two are getting something to wear too." Skylar said.

"I'm not wearing Minnie ears." Devin quickly spoke.

"Neither am I." AJ chuckled.

"Stay here while we look for something for you both." Skylar linking her arm with mine and we searched around for a while until we found Mickey hats and then walked back.

"We have something important to ask." I announced. AJ and Devin gave us their full attention.

"Will you be our Mickeys?" Skylar said holding the hat in front of her and I did the same.

"You know I will." AJ took the hat and placed it on his head. It was black with red and it had the name Mickey on it.

"My answer is yes. How can I say no?" Devin said. I giggled and put the hat on him. It was a plain black one with the name Mickey on it just like Aj's.

"Picture time

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"Picture time." Skylar cheered.

Skylar took out her phone ready for a photo. I gave Devin a side hug and he leaned down a bit so I could kiss his cheek. AJ bear hugged Skylar from behind and Skylar smiled wide. She then took the photo.

"Howie just missed a chance to take a photo." AJ said and we all laughed.

"I'm sure we can print out the photo." I said.

"True." Skylar agreed.

"Hold on a second." AJ said.

"What is it?" Skylar asked.

"You guys are wearing black and blue." AJ pointed out looking at me and Devin.

"You're right. It's the name of the new album you guys are working on." I giggled.

"I bet it'll be great." Devin said.

"Oh it will be." Skylar giggled.

"Alright I know we said we would shop, which we have for a bit, but I'm dying to get on a ride." AJ said dramatically.

"Which ride should we go on first?" I asked.

"How about Splash Mountain?" Devin suggested.

"I'm in." Skylar said excitedly.

"That means we'll be getting wet." AJ whined.

"Don't worry you big baby, I'll save you from the water." Skylar said in a baby voice.

"With this weather, we'll get dry fast." Devin spoke.

"He's right." Skylar agreed.

"Alright let's go before lines start to get huge." I  said. The four of us walked to the ride and there weren't too many people so we were able to get on quickly.

"This is gonna be fun." I said getting on and Devin sat next to me.

"Front row is the best." Skylar cheered next to AJ. Soon enough the ride was starting.

"Here we go." AJ said.

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