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Nicks POV

We went inside with all our bags. We saw Brian and Mary on the couch.

"Honey, I'm home." I teased.

Mary turned back at me and got up and hugged me. Brian looked back and smiled hugging Selena.

"How was the trip?" Mary asked letting me go.

"It was great." I answered.

"My family didn't give him a hard time." Selena added.

"Where's everybody?" I asked.

"AJ and Skylar are on a date. Kevin and Howie are double dating with Ella and Katherine." Brian answered.

"Aw bummer. I was gonna try talking to Howie. I got an instant camera for Christmas and took some pictures. I was hoping to contribute to his wall of memories." Selena faked a pout.

"AJ was a mess while you were gone. He missed you Selena." Mary said.

"Aw poor baby." Selena chuckled.

"Okay. I'll bring our stuff in our room." I offered looking at Selena.

"Need help?" Selena asked.

"No I got it." I said as I got upstairs with the bags. When I saw Mary I felt a sense of pain. We hadn't gotten to hang out much since Selena and I started dating. I didn't stop loving Selena anymore. She wasn't trapping me in any way. I just missed Mary. I wanted to hang out with her. But I didn't know how.


Kevin's POV

"You never did tell the full story of you and Justin." Howie said.

"Howie!" I groaned as I gave him a glare a bit embarrassed.

"What? I'm just curious." He shrugged.

"You don't ask a question like that." I argued.

"No, it's okay. He can ask me." Katherine assured me.

"It's just a long story." Ella replied.

"Justin and I were dating for about a year in our hometown, Sunnyside, Virginia. Anyway, he was really sweet, romantic and carefree at first. He was funny and charming. Then he got an offer to be in a new boy band with his best friends and that's when it changed. He was cold towards his friends and self centered. Everything had to be about him. Slowly but surely, I lost him. It felt more like a job than a relationship to be with him. It really broke my heart. I couldn't take it anymore so I broke up with him." Katherine explained.

"Wow, what a jerk." Howie said.

"Sometimes I wonder if anything was ever real between us. Or if I was something he used to pass the time." Katherine sighed as she frowned.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

"He doesn't deserve you." Ella added.

"Thanks." Katherine said as she gave a weak smile. I saw a familiar face in the corner of my eye. It was Justin. Britney was following him.

"Kev?" I heard as a hand shook my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you ready to go head out?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, we wanna go see that new movie--" Katherine said before she stopped as she saw the front door.

"Here we go again." Ella groaned.


Mary's POV

"Hey, can I come in?" I asked as I knocked the bedroom door.

"Yeah sure." Nick answered. I came in and sat on the bed as I finished putting the clothes away.

"I wanna talk." I said.

"What about?" Nick asked.

"I miss you. We don't hang out much anymore." I said.

"Yeah, I have been feeling the same way." Nick agreed.

"I actually have an idea." I said as I giggled a little.

"Well Brian and Selena are close so maybe we should switch partners for a day?" I suggested.

"I'm not sure I follow." Nick said sounding a bit confused.

"Saturday is my next day off at work. So that day, you and I get back together and Brian and Selena date. Just for one day. That way we hang out like old times and they still have fun." I explained.

"That's actually not a bad idea... I like it." Nick chuckled.

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