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Mary's POV

Me and my sister Skylar were hanging out in the backyard making water balloons for fun. It was a beautiful sunny day out and we haven't made water balloons in a long time.

"How are you and AJ doing?" I asked filling up a red balloon.

"Couldn't be better." Skylar gleamed just thinking about him. I know she couldn't wait to get out of high school and start college with us. It was her last year and she's told me how some students have been talking about the band already.

"Mary, can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Anything." I replied giving her my full attention.

"Well, it's about AJ. Our anniversary is coming up and I'm nervous about it. I don't know what to give him." She explained.

"I'm sure whatever you choose he'll love. And don't worry about it too much, knowing AJ he'll most likely plan something fun for you guys to do." I gave her an encouraging smile.

"And that's what I love about him. You never know what to expect from him. He's something special...  and I'm glad to just have him by my side." Skylar smiled widely.

We heard the front door open and saw Nick, AJ and Brian enter the living room discussing something. I looked at Skylar giving her a wicked look and pointed at the water balloons. She knew what I meant and then called out.

"Hey guys over here." She yelled as she hid two water balloons behind her back. I got one getting ready to hit my target. We both hid behind a bush we had and waited.

"I thought I heard Sky's voice." AJ said confused.

We quickly came out from the bush and I threw a balloon at Brian meanwhile Skylar got AJ and Nick. They screamed at our surprise but seemed to be cool with it and laughed it off.

"I'll get you back." AJ ran after Skylar. When he catched up to her he grabbed her and spinned her around making Skylar laugh.

Brian smirked at me grabbing a small water gun we had and started to sprinkle me with water. I grabbed one too and got him back.

"Nicky you joining?" AJ asked Nick who was standing there awkwardly.

"I'll love to... but remember what we said back in campus." Nick replied. AJ and Brian shared a look and nodded walking back to Nick.

"Sorry ladies we need to help Nick with something special." AJ smiled at Nick and the three of them left.



After we got changed we headed out to the location Nick had chosen to surprise Selena. I was happy they would finally get a chance to confess to each other. They just seem so genuinely happy with each other since they've met.

Brian stayed back home and waited for Selena to get home. He was going to take her shopping for a dress so she'll be ready for this surprise. Not that she needed too, but Brian decided it would be nice.

"Alright we're done." Nick had a huge grin planted on his face.

"You really are in love aren't you." I gave him a pat on the back happy that he found true love.

"I'm nervous but I can't wait to see her." Nick gleamed.


Brian's POV

"Why are we here again?" Selena chuckled.

"I just wanted to bring you shopping. Whatever you want, I'll pay for it." I shrugged.

"But why?" She asked suspiciously.

"Uh... well it's formal tonight back in college." I tried not to sound suspicious. I knew she was starting to suspect something was up so I had to try my best to act normal. As much as I'll like to tell her about what Nick had prepared for her I couldn't say a word about it. It would ruin the surprise.

"Oh look at this beautiful dress Brian." Selena pointed at a dress that was on display. It was coloured a light sky blue.

"You want it?" I asked.

"You really don't have to." Selena replied still staring at the dress.

"Come on I'll buy it for you." I insisted.

"Really?" She asked looking at me.

"Of course. Consider it as a welcome gift in this new town." I gave her a warm smile and went inside the store to buy it for her.

"Thank you so much Brian." She gave me a friendly hug and I returned it back. "I can't wait to wear this." She smiled.

When we got back at the car I drove back home so Selena could wear her new dress. Mary and Skylar helped do her hair and makeup. It wasn't something over the top. It was simple but nice.

After that I told her we were going to the formal but we weren't. I was actually taking her to the meadow which was where Nick planned to surprise her. She had no idea what she was about to expect.

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