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Mary's POV

Me, Brian, Howie and Kevin came to do our Christmas shopping before it was too late. We've been quite busy lately and we decided to take advantage of the free day we had.

"She would definitely love these." Kevin widely smiled showing us vintage looking glasses.

"Gift it to her then." Howie replied. "It's not enough but it'll be one." Kevin said. He looked around until he spotted something and took Howie with him.

"Sooo, what are you giving me for Christmas?" Brian gave me a grin.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a gift anymore." I giggled.

"Awe come on." He pouted.

"Nope. You'll have to wait and see." I smiled. He playfully rolled his eyes at me and gave me a smirk.

"What now?" I chuckled.

"Well, the only real gift I could receive is you by my side." He gave me a cheeky smile. I blushed looking away.

"Oh stop. I'm not that special." I chuckled.

"Mary you have no idea how special you are to me." He said. That sent butterflies to my stomach. I mean even now I feel the same way as I did before we admitted our feelings.

"It's the best, yeah." We heard Howie's voice as he and Kevin came back to us.

"I have Katherines gifts." Kevin smiled.

"Great. I have one gift left and I need to make sure I'll be able to get "it"...... Kevin, come with?" Brian said to Kevin sharing a look.

"Right of course. See you guys later." Kevin said and they both rushed out just like that.

"What was that about?" I asked Howie. He shrugged and we continued to shop.

After a while we ended up getting all the gifts for everybody. Howie said he was going to get mine so he suggested we split so I wouldn't see what it was. He said to take this as an advantage to get his as well. Which I did.

I was sitting inside a bookstore, which is where Howie and I decided to meet once we were done. I heard laugher and turned my head to see out the window and spotted Devin and Danielle walking together while holding bags of stuff they've bought.

They walked by the bookstore and noticed me and smiled and waved at me. Devin motioned for me to go out so I did.

"Hey guys." I said waving.

"Mary, you'll gonna love what I got you." Dani smiled happily.

"I hope so." I smiled back. Ever since she's been hanging out with Devin she's changed. For the better. I know she wasn't in the best place in her past but now she seems to be happier. And I'm glad.

"I'll be back. Need to use the restroom." Dani left the bags on the floor and went to a nearby cafe to use their bathroom.

"Mary would you do me favour?" Devin asked.

"What is it?" I asked looking at him.

"It's Dani's present. I know what I want to give her but I don't want her to see." He explained. I nodded my head understanding and agreed.

"Here's the money for it and I'll send you the details about what it is. And thank you so much." He quickly said before Dani came back.

"I'm exhausted. But I'm excited to start wrapping the gifts." Dani cheered.

"I'll leave you guys to it then. Have fun." I smiled at them. We said our goodbyes and then they left. Not short after they left, Howie came towards me.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I then got a text message from Devin about his gift to Dani.

"Just one more stop." I informed him on what I was gonna do and he nodded.

After I went for Danielle's gift that Devin was going to gift her, we went back home. We stayed in the living room and wrapped all the gifts except for each other's. We were going to wrap those once we weren't in the same room so we wouldn't know what it is.

Once we finished we made sure to place them next to the tree in a stack. The tree was already full underneath it so we had to make a stack next to it. It looked amazing and I couldn't wait for Christmas day to spend time with everyone.


Selena's POV

It's Christmas Eve. I was bummed that I had to wait until the day after Christmas to spend the rest of the vacation back in my hometown. I had planned to ask Nick to go with me.

"When are you leaving?" AJ asked.

"Day after Christmas. I will come back the day after New Years." I assured him.

"It won't be the same without you." AJ faked a whine.

"You will live." I teased.


Everyone left for dates. Nick and I were alone talking about our plan to travel. I liked the time alone. It was honestly romantic. Dim lights. Soft Christmas music in the background. I wanted to take advantage of it.

I looked deep in his eyes as he did mine and we started to make out. I wasn't used to this. It was exciting. A thrill.

"They'll be gone for a while." I whispered. He looked back at me.

"Are you okay about this?" He asked me.

"Yes." I answered as I took his hand upstairs and one thing led to another.


It had been three hours and everybody was coming back as we heard laughter from downstairs. We had started watching Christmas With The Kranks. We were cuddling. I was wearing my favorite fuzzy pink pj pants with Nicks favorite t-shirt.

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